I remember one of my college professors stressing that instructors must be flexible in their schedule and must adapt to the changes associated with the job. I didn’t accept this statement and never connected the words “teacher” and “flexible.” Nonetheless, after looking at all of my classes this semester, I now understand why you need to be flexible as a teacher.
The atmosphere in each classroom was different, the teachers had their own way of running the class, and students responded to content and activities in a range of ways. This experience has given me a broader perspective on education as I’ve come to learn that knowledge is not only obtained from textbooks or lectures, but also through first-hand experiences such as observations.
I observed two types of classrooms this semester, a traditional lecture style and an inverted classroom. In my opinion, I found the inverted classroom to be more beneficial because it allowed for more interaction between the students and the professor. The students were also more engaged in the material because they had to be responsible for learning the content on their own before coming to class.
In the traditional lecture style classroom, I noticed that the students were less engaged because they were just passively listening to the professor lecturing. There was little interaction between the students and professor, and the professors would often ask questions but not give the students a chance to answer. In contrast, in the inverted classrooms, there was a lot more interaction and engagement because the students were already familiar with the material before coming to class. The professors would often ask the students questions to start a discussion, and the students felt more comfortable participating because they knew the material.
Some classes had students who understood the curriculum better, had a wider range of racial and ethnic backgrounds, were special education, enthusiastic yet lazy kids. When I observed these things happen for the first time, I was both shocked and amused. It was fascinating to see how the instructor handled when something went wrong in class, then watch them try to keep their
When it was time for me to do my lesson plan, I made sure that everything was in place and if anything went awry, I had a backup plan.
One particular day while I was observing a high school English class, the teacher allowed the students to work on their essays in class. Some students appeared to be really struggling with writing while others had no issues. The teacher floated around the room and provided assistance to those who needed it. I was really impressed with how patient she was with her students.
I also observed a special education class where the students were working on a project. The teacher was very hands-on with her students and made sure that everyone understood what they were supposed to be doing. I was really impressed with her patience and dedication to her students.
Overall, I found the experience of observing different classrooms to be really beneficial. It gave me a better understanding of how different teachers teach and how they deal with different situations that arise in their classroom.
As a teacher, I believe it is critical to establish the tone of the classroom and communicate that you have control. The classroom environment must be receptive and eager to learn. All of the classes I observed had positive learning atmospheres. By using the phrase “great classroom atmospheres,” I mean that most of the students were attentive to their teacher, interested in learning, asking questions, and no one student was forgotten about during that particular day’s lesson.
This is not to say that there were no problems in any of the classrooms, because there were definitely some issues. But what I liked about each teacher was how they handled the situation. They didn’t allow the one or two students who were causing problems to take away from the learning experience of the rest of the class.
The teacher, who is a former professional tutor, was firm on her rules. She strictly prohibited students from having their phones out during class. When I was “the student observer,” I wondered how the pupils would regard me and treat me in their class. Infrequently, curious individuals gaped at me throughout instruction.
In general, I felt very welcome in their classrooms; they frequently asked me questions regarding my schoolwork or of me in general. I recall my first observations; I was extremely nervous when I walked into the classroom for the first time. After that day, I always felt at ease in the classroom.
The teachers that I observed were all different in their own way. I had one teacher who would always start her lesson with a joke to get the students attention, while another teacher would try to keep a more serious atmosphere. One thing all the teachers had in common was their love for teaching. They all wanted their students to succeed and be the best they could be.
What I took away from my experience is that every classroom is different, just like every student is different. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to education. Each student learns differently and each classroom has its own unique atmosphere. The best thing a teacher can do is find what works best for their students and run with it.
During my research, I never observed the teacher leave any pupils out of a lesson she or he taught to his or her class that day. I was relieved to find that no kids were overlooked and given the chance to ask questions of the instructor in order to advance their education.
This made for a much more interactive and effective learning experience for all students in the classroom. I also noticed that the teacher frequently gave out praise to students when they answered questions correctly or made good contributions to discussions. This positive reinforcement helped to create a motivated and engaged learning environment in the classroom. Overall, I was very impressed with the way that the teacher ran their classroom and believe that it contributed to an overall positive learning experience for all students.