Obamacare Pros And Cons Essay

Obamacare is the current form of healthcare that our country uses, and it is one of the worst forms of healthcare that has ever been came up with. It is a terrible system that has been a failure since it was first installed as a government mandate that is required for citizens to have. It has a long list of problems that i can only really scratch the surface of in this essay. If you are a Republican, you probably are already against Obamacare; if you are a democrat, you are all for it most likely and can’t understand what’s the big deal with it and why everybody hates it so much, but that’s where i come in. Obamacare needs to be changed because it is bad, it has failed, it has problems, and why President Trump is going to get rid…

Supporters of it will say that people can now have access to affordable, high-quality health insurance through medicaid expansion, their employers, and the health insurance market. But the cons of that are to get the money to help insure all these people, there are new taxes. The taxes that may affect people directly are the individual mandate and the employer mandate. Another pro that people see are that Obamacare’s protections ensure that you can’t be dropped from coverage when you get sick or make a mistake on your application. You also can’t be denied coverage or treatment for being sick or get charged more for being sick. Plus, you can’t be charged more for being a woman. Other protections ensure that you have the right to a rapid appeal, that health insurance companies can’t make unjustified rate hikes, and that these companies must spend the majority of premium dollars on care, not paying executives. Insurance companies must cover sick people, and this increases the cost of everyone’s insurance. The opposition of that is to ensure people don’t just buy coverage when they need it, most people must obtain coverage or pay a per-month fee. Also, coverage can only be obtained during annual enrollment periods. A person can owe the fee due to forgetting to pay a premium, and then not be able to get coverage until next open enrollment. Some people were benefiting from being in a low-risk group. Men in good health with no pre-existing conditions, who were not responsible for anyone but themselves, and who remained healthy had low insurance costs. They may have had cheap limited coverage before the premium hikes took place a few years ago. Any of the pros that Obamacare might have have a bad opposition behind them that will defeat the purpose of having…