The Nuremberg Trial Analysis

The aim for this paper is to elaborate on what characterizes the Nuremberg Trials and the importance of the trial to international criminal justice. To understand what the Nuremberg Trial entails, I will construe and provide a brief on the crimes prosecuted within the trial. Some of the worst crimes occurred in the early years … Read more

Otto Frank Totalitarianism

Humanitarianism; is a moral of kindness, benevolence, and sympathy extended to all human beings. Humanitarianism has been an evolving concept historically but universality is a common theme in its evolution. No distinction is to be made on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, caste, age, religion, ability, or nationality. Anne Frank’s Diary should be … Read more

Nazi Propaganda

In the past, people’s hatred toward other people has shown its effect in many different ways. For instance the Rwanda Genocide,. dDuring April 7, 1994 – July 1994, 800,000, Tutsi ethnic minority was killed by the Hutu ethnic majority. Hutu extremists made anti-Tutsi propaganda implying that marrying, doing business, or being friends with the Tutsi … Read more

Rise Of Adolf Hitlers Rise To Power Essay

In the last few moments of his life, Adolf Hitler along with his wife Eva Braun, whom he just married less than two days prior on April 29, 1945 in the late morning, were held up in his bunker beneath Berlin. Hitler was briefed about the assassination of Mussolini, the Italian dictator (“Adolf Hitler Biography”) … Read more

Manfred Von Richthofen Essay

The nature of warfare changed completely on August 26, 1914 when Lieut. It was on that glorious day Hubert Dunsterville Harvey-Kelly became the first pilot to down an aircraft in aerial combat. Lieut. Harvey-Kelly had spotted a German Taube below him , he dove on the lone craft armed only with a pistol. The art … Read more

Personal Narrative: Adolf Hitler Essay

Chapter four Servitude Although father’s body was removed from the apartment the night he died, it never felt like he was completely gone until last night. I didn’t even try to sleep. I knew it was nearly impossible. My mind wouldn’t allow me to rest. It was full of teasing thoughts. Imaginary ones that tricked … Read more

Book Thief Film Analysis Essay

Whilst the hardship and apprehension of World War II, this heart-warming and melodramatic film has an influential message anticipated to the audience demonstrate the assorted themes. The book thief, a film situated on a true story directed by Brian Percival and was released to the public, January the 9th 2014. The book thief is definitely … Read more