Sentinel Event Case Study

A sentinel event is a serious, unexpected or life-threatening event that occurs in a health care setting. Sentinel events are typically associated with preventable harm to patients and can result in significant negative outcomes, including death. Nurses play a vital role in the prevention of sentinel events. By understanding the root causes of these events … Read more

Critique Of Systematic Research Review SRR

As a Nursing student, I was recently assigned to read and critique a Systematic Research Review (SRR). I have never done this type of assignment before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. After reading the SRR, I found it to be a well-written and informative piece of research. However, there are some areas that … Read more

Taking A Stand Essay Examples

With the advancement of new technologies, the nursing profession is always evolving and growing in complexity. The new level of responsibility puts nurses to the test in addressing a variety of complex situations in healthcare, particularly their duty to safeguard patients’ rights and dignity as well as their safety. To be a nurse is not … Read more

Proprofessional Proposal Paper

Patient safety is very important to the healthcare provider, healthcare facility or organization. One area that continues to be a safety issue is mislabeled or unlabeled specimens. Mislabeled specimens happen for a variety of reasons but regardless of the reason the outcome can be devastating to the patient, family, provider and institution (Intermec, 2010). Mislabeled … Read more

The Iowa Model Of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is an important step in the current health care evolution. Model guided practice change provides clinical effectiveness with the best available research information, which affect positive patient outcomes. “EBP is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with a clinician`s expertise along with the patient`s … Read more

Communication Barriers In Nursing

Across the healthcare system there are universal themes that can be applied to several fields of medicine, such as ambition to make a difference, maintaining effective communication, and overcoming obstacles that one encounters throughout his/her career. Six University of West Florida students procured six individual healthcare providers and performed semi-structured interviews with the professionals in … Read more

Visual Nursing Home

Typically, when people think about growing old, they think about spending their weekends with the grandkids, going to church on a bright and sunny Sunday morning or even going to the lake for the day and fishing. Nobody really, truly thinks about what life is like when you can no longer take care of yourself. … Read more

Tracheostomy Research Paper

This paper examines numerous published articles that speak about the benefits of oxygen therapy, its medical uses, and its palliative values. This paper discusses two differing possibilities in oxygen application, and various conditions that can be managed with oxygen (Sharifipour, 2011). This study will also explain tracheostomy use, when it is indicated, and how it … Read more

Hand Hygiene Compliance In Nursing Care Essay

The implementation plan or any change will be directed towards the infection control department, the nursing staff, upper management, and with the nurse manager of the facility. The project will take time involving the nurse manager in the initial steps and planning. A presentation in the form of a verbal presentation with visual aid posters … Read more

Cerebrovascular Accidents: A Literature Review Essay

The goal of this brief review is to investigate potential applicability of electrical stimulation modalities to early mobility treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA or “stroke”). Rehabilitation clinicians working in the acute neurological settings see a diversity of diagnoses, a majority of which is stroke. Orders to treat patients post stroke prioritize early mobility focusing on … Read more

Summary: Nursing Implications Essay

Nursing Implications For individuals that are in the pre listing stage of liver transplants one main aspect to address is educating the patient and the family. One of the main nursing interventions is teaching patients and their family the importance of abstinence from both alcohol and tobacco if it is used. The continued use of … Read more

Leadership In My Clinical Experiences Essay

Each nurse on CIU can have a patient load of up to 4 patients during the shift. However, there is one situation where the nurse could potentially have a patient load of only two patients and that is if one of the patients is receiving a certain IV drip that requires closer patient monitoring. I … Read more

Nursing: The Role Of Professionalism In Nursing Essay

Everywhere you go and in everything you do, professionalism comes in to account in some way or another. Professionalism can be looked at as a strict adherence to courtesy, honesty and responsibility when dealing with individuals or other companies in the business environment. When it comes to the career of nursing, professionalism is taken to … Read more

Motor Learning Research Paper

Motor learning can be related to many different fields of Kinesiology, but specifically, motor learning has a great impact in the field of Physical Therapy. In the field of Physical Therapy, patients that come in to receive treatment usually suffer from an injury, physical disability, or disease that has caused them to have a difficult … Read more

Nursing Practice And Decision-Making Analysis Essay

Domain 3: Nursing practice and Decision-making What? My abilities to nursing practice and decision making are identified by appendix 1 (the self-review). Also, these abilities are supported by appendix 3 (nursing skill sheet) and appendix4 (the leadership self-assessment tool) Decision-making is an integral part of nursing practice and the decisions nurses make affect patient care, … Read more

Hal B Woodall Interview Essay

Going in to this interview, I was not certain what to expect at all. I had prepared a few questions and anticipated it lasting maybe ten to fifteen minutes at the most. However, my mental image of the interview did not remotely match up to what actually occurred. My interviewee was Dr. Hal B. Woodall, … Read more

The Role Of Vision In Radiography Essay

Introduction Vision is a vital role in medical imaging and the visual ability of the radiologist interpreting the image is largely overlooked (Halpenny et al. 2012). To understand how vision plays a role in radiography, psychophysics is studied to understand the relationship between the physical stimulus and sensation experienced by a person (Lu et al. … Read more

Ethical Decision Making: Case Study Essay

In this discussion, I utilized the 7 steps of the Ethical Model for Ethical Decision Making as outlined in McGonigle and Mastrian (2015) to analyze the case study. Ethical Dilemma Examined with conflicting Values: The case manager was given a message by the physician which was to simply contact the family and have they come … Read more

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Essay

Electronic Health Records was developed around the 1960’s and 70’s. An Electronic Health Record is a digital collection of patient health information compiled at one or more meetings in any care delivery settings. A patient’s health record includes their vital signs, past medical history, demographics, their laboratory data, immunizations, progress notes, problems and medication. EHR … Read more

Pain Assessment Literature Review Essay

The purpose of this review was to outline and evaluate pain assessment techniques and tools commonly used in the postoperative recovery room to assist in pain management. Problem Identification and Evidence Pain after surgery is stressful to patients and is a major problem in post anesthesia care unit (PACU). Recent data suggest 80 percent of … Read more

Essay On Pharmacy Technician

In terms of medical professionals, Pharmacy Technicians’ roles have been developing at a fast pace since the very start of the occupation. “As the physician’s role changed from distributing drugs to diagnosing disease and performing surgery, the role of the pharmacist emerged. The first pharmacy school opened in 1821 at the college of pharmacy and … Read more

The Importance Of Comorbidity Essay

Comorbidity can be defined most generally as the co-occurrence of two or more mental or physical disorders together. This is one of the critical issues while examining the patient and became an important topic of research to understand the effects in detail. Comorbid indicates existence of different medical conditions within the patient which might be … Read more

The Importance Of EHR In Healthcare Essay

EHR is a new and improve digital version of a patient’s physical paper chart. EHRs is a patient-centered system that makes information available via the computer system, and most of all, it is secure, safe and can only be used by authorized users. Even though EHR involves medical treatment and patient medical history, the system … Read more