Western Parenting Vs Chinese Parents Essay

There are a lot of people discussing that how to educate their children in the best way from then until now. Parenting, which is very important and effectual to the children, influences children’s mental, emotion, thought and behaviours. There are two major distinctive parenting styles in the world, Western and Eastern styles. American parenting and Chinese parenting have a significant difference, which is talking about how they treat their children, expectation, and children’s freedom. There is a different way about how they treat their children between American parents and Chinese parents.

American parents like to award or praise their children. They agree compliment and encouragement can help the children develop the courage and self-confident. Thus, they prefer compliment or encourage their children, even they did good or bad. For example, if children do well at the school or in a test, their parents will praise their children by saying, “Good job! ”, “I am proud of you. ” or “Well done! ” Even though the child failed the exam, his or her parents still encourage and motivate him or her. They concern the learning experience more than the results.

Although the American parents like to encourage their child, Chinese parents are different with American parents. They rarely or never encourage and praise their child. They prefer to say harsh comments to punish their children more than praises and awards because they agree children can only remember or understand what they do wrong from getting punishments. After that, the children will not get the same mistake. Even though the children get an excellent grade at school, Chinese parents infrequently praise them like what American parents do or say to their children.

They may say, “You are able to do much better next time. ” It is because they think if their kids were encouraged or praised, they will be arrogant. As the matter of fact, American parents and Chinese parents are completely different that the opinions of treating their kids. Another difference between American parents and Chinese parents is expectation. American parents want their children to be independent. They hope their child can take care themselves in teenage and prepare to be an adult.

Allowing their children finds a part-time and make money while they are able to work legally, so as to let them acquire working experience as well as time and money management skills. It may cause the teen finds what they are interested in or understanding the meaningful of studying and treasure it. On the other hand, Chinese parents do not create an opportunity to let their youth to be independent, since the Chinese traditional thought. They think their children owe them everything and the kids need to repay them in the future when the parents are retired, such as they have to give their parent a part of their wages every month.

They are looking forward that the children live with them even he or she get married. Moreover, they want their children to do well or get an excellent grade at school, so they need their child to go to study or cram school after school. The Chinese parents’ expectation is wanting their children to be dependent and rich, but American parents’ expectation is wanting their children to be independent and joyful. Moreover, both of them have the differences thought about how many freedoms do they give their child. American parents are more gentle than Chinese.

They allow their children do whatever activities, which is positive and the kids interested in, such as, American kids can play sports with their friends after school. Their parents do not concern about that if the kid can manage the study. In addition, they always communicate with their child about what the children want or hope. They can treat or talk with the others, like how they treat with their friends. They would not make a lot of rules to limit or control their about what they can or can’t do. They don’t force their kid to choose a major or job which they want his or her to choose.

In the other hand, Chinese parents are more strict with their children. Chinese parents will make a lot of rules to limit or control their children, such as, they don’t allow their child to go to play after school before he or she finish his or her homework. It is because they want their children do well in all of the area and at school. They will not communicate with their children like how they communicate with their friends. They always order or yell at their children about what the child must do now. They will get pressure or force their kid to choose a major or job which they want his or her to choose.

American parents give more freedom to their children, but Chinese parents only give a little freedom to their children. To summarize, the different between American parents and Chinese parents are how they treat their children, expectation, and freedom. Although both of the parents have the different concept to support their children, both of them want their children to success. People think both of the parenting have their advantages and disadvantages, so if you become a mother of father, will you become a American style parents or Chinese style parents?