Essay On Reflection In Social Work

The video recorded practice interview allowed me to understand how I can improve in my social work skills. Being able to present and watch a mock interview allowed me to see my strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths that I am so proud of is the introduction. I was able to introduce myself, the agency, tell her about confidentiality and what information would be mandated to report to the authorities. When I practiced an interview in class | did not do well, my words were choppy and it was not a good flow.

Secondly, empathy was expressed to the client with great sincerity, geniuses and warmth. Showing her that someone else cares about the pain that she was undergoing. Even though I personally had not lost a husband, I was able to empathize with her. Thirdly, during the interview the practice framework was demonstrated. The client and I engaged in conversations making it easy for her to ask if there was a social worker who could meet with her daughter first and then give her feedback from the interview.

Assessment and planning details were discussed regarding the sessions times and days available to help the daughters grief. The intervention helped the client establish a reward program for her daughter if she brought home good grade without any behaviors. One of the weaknesses that I noticed was when I did not elaborate a lot on how the client was dealing with her husband’s death. At this time I could have asked her several open ended probing questions to help give me a full picture of the relationship that she and the deceased shared before his death.

Such as: Tell me, were you and your husband still together or what kind of feelings did you have toward him? Probing more is something that I need to work on. I think the major issue for me is to not get to deep into a person’s business. I had always been taught not to pry into a person private life. I understand that as a social worker I am going to have to get involved in people’s lives in order to help them deal with different issues that they are facing. Thave to speak with confidence and ask the difficult questions that no one wants to explore.

Such as the how’s, what’s, when’s and where’s. Or just sometimes use the silence approach and allow the client to start talking. Secondly, at the beginning of the interview the flow seemed a little slow. I felt as though I was taking over the entire conversation. Asking too many leading question, not allowing the client to openly discuss what and how she was feeling. Which in turn caused me to dig from a resistant client, whom I had to gain trust by helping her understand that I was there for the interest of her and her daughter.

I did not ask the client about any support from her nuclear family, friends or any coworkers. This was my opportunity to ask the client if she had experienced the death of a parent, if is feeling down/depressed or if she has possibly talked to someone close to her about how she was feelings from the death. The daughter’s nuclear family and supportive systems lead me to belief that the daughter’s needs were being meet to help her cope with the death of her father.

But thinking back to Sigmund Frued’s psychoanalytic theory the daughter may have had some unconscious thoughts of missing her father that caused the behaviors and the dropping of her grades. It is truly impossible to determine why a person like her who is doing everything perfect, regress in their life once something traumatic has happened. And thirdly, I did not take the time to let the client tell me what she was in need of before I started telling her about different organization who provides bereavement support to the grieving families.

As a social worker I can not push my clients in to doing something that they may not be interested in because this may not be what the client is needing at this point in her life. I think in order for me to become a great social worker I have a lot of practicing to do, this practice video was just a tip of the work that has to be done in order to meet my goal. I feel that if we continue as a group practicing different scenarios it would allow us to see how our cohorts handle certain situations. There is so much to learn about dealing with people who you feel that you can help.

It is not easy to sit back and listen to another person without wanting to give advice. Thave to breakout of this routine in order to or me to be well rounded as a social worker. So with that being said, I am going to stop enabling people. Because as a social worker I must allow clients to take over the conversation, listen to their concerns and give a helping hand when asked. In order for me to achieve these goals I must continue to learn as much as possible, get a positive mentor and accept constructive criticism no matter how bad it may be.

In conclusion this semester has been such as eye opener these practices are totally different from me working in the geriatric population because most of them can not engage in a conversation. And the assessment are usually completed by a family member or a nurse who knows the physical and history of the patient. I just hope by the time that I complete undergraduate school I am able to master being able to conduct an interview without being nervous and scared to ask uncomfortable questions to my client.

Because any weaknesses that I show in front of my client would possibly delay the process of the client improving in the sessions. I never thought that I would be interested in any other social work field beside geriatrics, but since I am learning different practices, models and theories I may seek a career in counseling. I do know that I will be challenged as a social work in different aspects, but this will allow me to grow and become a better social worker. I can only pray that GOD will lead me into the direction where I can make a difference in someone’s life.