Hie Thee Hither That I May Pour

Hie thee hither, And when they meet, say I am cald for: and here Stands one that will backe thee presently. Hie thou 5 Thither: ee not th’attendant-feebles my demand: If thou attend me, I will pay thy grones: Hie thee. (5.2) What is this? Lennox and another lord meet Macbeth on the way to … Read more

Loyalty In King Lear

King Lear is a tragedy about King who, after dividing his kingdom and throwing away the love of two faithful daughters turns mad and goes on a journey with his fool. The King’s loyal courtier and friend retires to the countryside where he rules over his own small kingdom in which he must learn to … Read more

Julius Caesar Essay

Julius Caesar is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare around 1599. Julius Caesar can be categorized as historical fiction, modernized to fit in with the time period. Julius Caesar is set in ancient Rome, at the time of Julius Ceasar’s rule. Julius Ceasar was betrayed and murdered by his closest friends and political allies. Julius … Read more

Why Is Iago Evil

Iago is Othello’s right-hand man and Othello trusts him completely. Iago seems friendly and harmless, but Othello doesn’t know about the evil plans that he has up his sleeve. Iago wants Othello to think that his wife Desdemona is cheating on him with another man because Othello really likes Desdemona and Iago is insanely jealous … Read more

Macbeth Fate Essay

Macbeth is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare about the downfall of Macbeth, a Scottish lord and later King. Macbeth goes through three stages in his life: initially noble and just, then corrupted into committing regicide to attain power and eventually suffering from guilt. Macbeth’s tragic flaw or error is his ambition which leads him … Read more

Macbeth Imagery Essay

Macbeth by William Shakespeare has many examples of imagery which help to develop the mood and tone of Macbeth’s tragedy, and overall play that Macbeth is. Imagery in Macbeth commonly includes references to blood, such as Macduff saying “For mine own good/All causes shall give way: I’ll not be guiltless/Of Macbeth’s blood” (Act II, scene … Read more

Blind Ambition In Macbeth

Macbeth has been depicted in various ways since its first appearance on stage, and is widely known as a tragedy, about the downfall of Macbeth and his lady. Macbeth’s ambition leads him to kill King Duncan, after he is visited by three witches who tell Macbeth that he will be king. Macbeth murders the king … Read more

Othello and Iago Relationship Essay

Othello and Iago have a complex relationship. Othello’s trust of Iago makes him feel betrayed by him, Othello feels that Iago is his friend however Iago has tricked Othello into believing this. Othello does not understand how his friend could do such a thing to him. Othello thinks that he has been tricked because someone … Read more

Imagery In Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare portraying the story of Romeo, a young man who falls in love with Juliet, only for their love to get killed by Romeo’s family. The action takes place in Verona, Italy. The imagery used throughout the play mainly revolves around dreams, stars, blood and death. … Read more

Hamlet’s Madness Essay

Hamlet is a drama written by Shakespeare in early 1600s. Hamlet was the Prince of Denmark. Hamlet, Hamlet’s father died leaving his mother Gertrude to marry Claudius who then became the new King of Denmark and Hamlet’s uncle. Hamlet’s father, the previous king had no brothers so therefore this made Hamlet the rightful heir, Hamlet’s … Read more

The Tragedy Of Hamlet Essay

Hamlet is a classic tragedy by William Shakespeare, set in Denmark and telling Hamlet’s story as he attempts to avenge his father’s murder. It focuses on Hamlet’s journey into adulthood, where he learns many difficult life lessons about virtue and society. The play begins with Hamlet learning of the ghost who tells him that King … Read more

Julius Caesar Tragedy Essay

Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare was a tragedy about Julius Caesar’s death. Julius Caesar is the central character of this play. He was murdered by his own friend Brutus and other Roman senators. Julius Caesar was assassinated at Brutus’ request, because he believed Julius Caesar was becoming too powerful and would start a monarchy; Julius … Read more

How Does Lady Macbeth Influence Macbeth

Lady Macbeth and the witches are essential for Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth. Lady Macbeth acts as a driving force towards the murder of Duncan while the witches control Lady Macbeth to commit these crimes. Lady Macbeth is also influenced by fate which leads to Lady Macbeth’s eventual suicide at the end of Act V. The witches … Read more

Romeo And Juliet Love Letter Assignment

This article is about Romeo and Juliet, the famous story of young love by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are characters who fall in love with each other despite their families trying to keep them apart. Romeo Montague meets Juliet Capulet at a party where they exchange some words before falling madly in love with … Read more

Julius Caesar Tragedy Essay

Julius Caesar is fatally stabbed as he kneels to pray in the senate Julius Caesar , one of William Shakespeare’s most recognised plays, is about a powerful man who makes the mistake of believing that everyone loves him for who he is and that he can bend any rule. Julius Caesar was a real person … Read more

Why Is Romeo To Blame For The Deaths

Romeo and Juliet are two lovers whose deaths have been attributed to the actions of several people who stood in between their love. The decision by Romeo’s father to exile Romeo after he kills Tybalt is considered a major reason for Romeo’s suicide because Romeo now knows that he can never be with his true … Read more

Sonnet 130 Analysis Essay

Sonnet 130 is a poem written by William Shakespeare. Sonnet 130 is part of the Fair Youth Sonnets. Sonnet 130 talks about how the speaker will never love anyone as much as he loves his beloved (the “Fair Youth”). Sonnets are lyric poems that people commonly try to analyze through certain perspectives. Sonnets are usually … Read more

Comic Relief In Hamlet

Hamlet, one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays, follows Hamlet as he searches for meaning in his life following the death of his father. Hamlet seeks revenge on his uncle after it is revealed that Hamlet’s father was murdered by Hamlet’s uncle and mother to ascend the throne of Denmark. Comedy is a major aspect … Read more

Hamlet Madness Essay

Hamlet’s madness is a key element to the play Hamlet. Hamlet, the protagonist of Hamlet, becomes depressed and horrified after discovering that his uncle Claudius has murdered his father and married Hamlet’s mother. Hamlet seeks revenge on Claudius for this transgression but feels like he has lost all agency because he can’t be sure if … Read more

Mood Of Macbeth

Macbeth is a play in which William Shakespeare uses different moods to portray Macbeth’s character development throughout the play. Macbeth starts off as a proud, ambitious man who is loyal to his king, Duncan. However through the use of deception and manipulation Macbeth acts on his intentions of being king himself. Macduff helps Macbeth realize … Read more

Hamlet Revenge Essay

Hamlet has enjoyed the reputation of being Shakespeare’s masterpiece for centuries. Hamlet is a Tragedy, which implies that Hamlet will experience some kind of downfall by the end of the play. Hamlet experiences several character changes throughout this piece due to external and internal factors. He goes through three distinct periods of development: Hamlet in … Read more

What Motivates Iago In Othello

Have you ever met a devil who does evil for his own sake? Iago in William Shakespeare’s Othello could seem like he has good motives, but I feel that he uses them as his excuses. Othello, Othello’s wife Desdemona, Iago and Iago’s wife Emilia are the key characters of Othello. The first time we meet … Read more

Revenge vs Justice Hamlet

Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is a story of betrayal and deception. The main character Hamlet seeks revenge for the death of his father, but how he goes about doing that can be seen in two distinct ways; one way through Hamlet’s eyes, the other through Hamlet (and William Shakespeare)’s audience. Hamlet believes that he … Read more

Iago Character Analysis Essay

Iago is often considered to be the main character of William Shakespeare’s play. He was even originally performed as such by Richard Burbage, the first actor who played him on stage for the very first time. The mastermind behind evil deeds and plans, Iago makes us wonder why he does what he does throughout the … Read more

Lady Macbeth Manipulation Essay

Macbeth manipulates everybody that he comes into contact with. Macbeth is a tragic hero because he starts off his manipulation of others as an innocent bystander, but eventually Macbeth feels forced to manipulate others in order to save himself from the guilt for what he has done. Macbeth needs Lady Macbeth’s help throughout this tragedy … Read more

Love In Othello

Othello, a play by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that follows Othello, a Moorish general in the Venetian army as he falls prey to his own insecurity and jealousy after being manipulated by Iago which leads him to kill his wife Desdemona who Othello falsely believes is having an affair with Othello’s lieutenant Michael Cassio. … Read more

Hamlet Analysis Essay

Hamlet is an interesting tragedy written by William Shakespeare. Hamlet deals with Hamlet, prince of Denmark who discovers that his uncle Claudius killed Hamlet’s father in order to become king. Hamlet then decides to get revenge on Claudius for killing his father (Act 1, Scene 5). Hamlet starts acting crazy because he thinks it will … Read more

Is Hamlet A Tragic Hero

William Shakespeare, the greatest playwright of the English language, wrote a total of 37 plays in his lifetime, Hamlet being the most famous. Hamlet was written around 1599 and follows Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, who is faced with many hardships throughout the play; eventually Hamlet’s life comes to a tragic end. The play Hamlet can … Read more

What Is Hamlet’s Tragic Flaw?

It is better not to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Many consequences can arise when one procrastinates. An example of this is found in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Hamlet rages against his mother for marrying his Uncle Claudius, King Hamlet’s brother, mere months after the king’s death. Hamlet speaks to himself in a … Read more

Sonnet 101 Research Paper

Growing up in the digital world I always opted for sources like spark notes to help me bluff my way through school assignments. I was convinced all plays and poems were irrelevant and were an unnecessary part of high school education. It wasn’t until I read William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet that I was converted. … Read more

Richard II Research Paper

What makes a good king? In Shakespeare’s play Richard II, the topic of kingship is explored through the conflict between Bolingbroke and Richard II. Once the conflict is resolved, via Richard’s death, Bolingbroke is faced with a new crisis concerning his wanton son. Through King Henry IV’s concern for his son, Shakespeare examines public perception … Read more

Hamlet First Soliloquy Essay

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, is a play that focuses on Hamlet’s own character development. Through his soliloquies the audience learns a lot about how he truly feels. This evidence leads to the essence of Hamlet’s lunacy. The function of these soliloquies is to track his maddening behavior as it evolves. Hamlet’s first major soliloquy occurs in Act … Read more

Dramatic Irony in Macbeth

Dramatic Irony is a literary term that defines a situation in the play where the reader or audience knows something that the character does not. This creates tension and suspense in the story as the reader wait for the character to realize their mistake. One of the most famous examples of Dramatic Irony is found … Read more

O Play Vs Movie

If anyone is ever looking for a movie based on a Shakespeare play, poorly adapted into a modern story about high school basketball players, and complete with uninspired acting, then the movie O, directed by Tim Blake Nelson, is the perfect choice. The movie, which stars Mekhi Phifer, Julia Stiles, and Martin Sheen, takes place … Read more

Evil In Shakespeares Macbeth Essay

The age old question of how evil manifests itself in today’s society is still widely unanswered, and is still debated in many social and biological sciences. In modern times we seem to see evil a lot more, the news is filled with tragedies. We often view the source of evil as a murderer, con artist, … Read more

Violence In Othello Essay

Video games have become modern-day Othello. Both are praised for their contributions to society, but both are also harassed based on the effects of other individuals. While both may take place in different time eras, 16th century for Othello 20-21st for video games, both share similarities in the eye of the public. In Shakespeare’s Othello, … Read more

Essay On Hamlet’s Attitude Towards Claudius

He states how Claudius killed his father, started an incestuous relationship with his mother, stole the throne, and even attempted to kill him. Hamlet says that he would be doing the world a disservice if he allowed Claudius to continue living without paying for his actions. These lines indicate a change in Hamlet’s attitude towards … Read more

Theme Of Existence In Shakespeares Hamlet Essay

What do you live for? “Hamlet”, by Shakespeare, explores the ideas of individual reasoning of existence. Several characters in the play have their own rationale as to why they live and why they think it is worth it. The play demonstrates themes of existence, revenge and power. The characters’ ideas about life and death develop … Read more

King Lear Redemption Essay

In the play King Lear, the idea of redemption is predominant throughout as we watch as the King moves from a state of moral blindness to one of clear vision. At the beginning of the play we see how ignorant he his towards how Goneril, Regan and Cordelia really think of him. As the play … Read more

Dramatic Techniques In Lysistrata Essay

Chioma Mogbo Lysistrata — Formal Essay Assignment “I don’t intentionally go: ‘Ooh, what is provocative,’ and try to do that. I just do stuff, and people go: ‘Ooh, that’s provocative. ‘ Maybe because sometimes I’m super-ignorant – and sometimes they’re super-ignorant. ” This quote by Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam conveys the same reaction that the reader … Read more