Essays Tire

Changing automobile tires is a skill that most individuals know how to do. It’s a must-have skill if you want to live if your car has a flat tire on the side of the road. Male technicians are generally better at changing tires and have more expertise, but there are women who can also change … Read more

Kagawong: A Short Story

December 29, 2013 was the date that I recall when it happened. It was a chilly winter day in Kagawong. I was visiting my grandparents house about a mile from the town on Manitoulin Island in Canada. Ice hung off the tree branches in glistening icicles. Snow, as tall as a mailbox, was piled up … Read more

Caltrain Social Behavior

For this project, I have chosen to observe and understand the social behaviors of people who ride on Caltrain. Caltrain is a commuter rail service that provides transportation from San Francisco to Gilroy. With a total of 32 stations, some available at specific times for specific trains, people living in the Peninsula have the ability … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars are autonomous vehicles that are capable of sensing their environment and navigating without human input. Also known as driverless cars, they combine a variety of technologies to perform their tasks, including sensors, GPS, and computer vision. Self-driving cars are still in the early stages of development, but they have the potential to revolutionize … Read more

Motorcycle Rider Persuasive Essay

In 2013, approximately 4. 8 million motorcycles were actively on the road; of those 4. 8 million, about 90,000 of those riders were involved in an accident of some sort. Accidents and death rates of motorcycle riders are increasing every year due to reckless driving by both cars and motorcycles. Famous actor Hugh Laurie once … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Drones

Mankind used to be bound to the ground of Earth and it stood on the ground for a long time, but soon enough it found the ability to fly. The power of flight grants us new technologies to fill our needs. One of these new technologies gives us an extra pair of eyes and ears. … Read more