Sequence Of Development

Most people are familiar with the concept of developmental psychology, which is the study of how humans develop and grow over time. However, there is often confusion between the terms “sequence of development” and “rate of development.” It’s important to understand the difference between these two concepts in order to accurately discuss human development. Sequence … Read more

Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment

It is important to assess a child’s sleep patterns as part of their overall health assessment. Sleep is vital for physical and mental development in children, and disruptions to sleep can have significant consequences. There are different ways to assess a child’s sleep patterns. One way is to ask the parents or caregivers about the … Read more

Childhood Enemies Essay

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of having a childhood enemy. Someone who you just can’t seem to get along with, no matter how hard you try. Maybe they’re the sibling of a friend, or someone in your class at school. Whoever they are, they always seem to be there, ready to ruin your day. … Read more

My Childhood Development Essay

My name is Jack, and I am 19 years old. Ever since my early childhood years, I have developed an interest in psychology and how the brain operates. Because of this interest, I decided to research the development of the brain throughout life. Here are some key points that were found by researchers on how … Read more

Suzy Lulsk Monologue

Suzy Lusk is one of the children in the Up Series. She came from a wealthy family, and lead a privileged life. As a child she attended an upper-class school for girls, where she spent time learning things like ballet; while outside school, she had a nanny to take care of her. At 7, Suzy … Read more

18th Century Children

How were children regarded, treated and educated within the liberal ideas from the 17th-18th Century? Were these children well cared for and did they experience an easy life? Were families able to provide emotional support and was education a priority viewed in this earlier lifetime? Children were important to families, but not in the same … Read more

Eriksons Psychosocial Analysis Essay

Introduction Erikson’s psycho-social stages of development provides great insight on the process of child development. It is composed of eight stages that range from infancy to adulthood. However, the first four stages are what will be discussed in this analysis paper. The first four stages are Infancy, Early Childhood, Preschool, and Middle childhood. The infancy … Read more

Essay On Early Childhood Trauma

Trauma is becoming an increasing problem for our youth and impacts every facet of a child’s life. Numerous young children have been a victim of maltreatment with their own parents or caregivers responsible for the trauma. From early infancy through adulthood, trauma can impact how we view the world and ourselves. Trauma can alter how … Read more

Agencies Involved In Safeguarding Essay

There are various organisations that may be involved if a child or young person has been abused or or harmed, these include Childrens Social Care which provides support for vulnerable children, these include Social Workers and Family Support Workers who usually work together, this is called multi-agency working. They are responsible for coordinating and implementing … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Curfew

There’s a problem that the city believes that they have the right to give people’s children a curfew outside of the curfew the parent has created. This argument is just beginning to gain traction as teenagers want to stay out later to spend time with their friends “Netflixing and Chilling”. According to Jonathan Zimmerman’s article … Read more

Neglect Case Studies Essay

Neglect is also an important factor leading to child death and was highlighted in the high-profile cases of Victoria Climbie (Laming 2003) and Danial Pelka. In Daniels case, weight loss, the stealing of food and how Daniel was withdrawn and showing little interaction with other children was all noticed by school staff, yet the school … Read more

Authoritative Parenting Styles Essay

The authoritative parenting style is about setting limits, reasoning with kids, and being responsive to their emotional needs. This style is common in middle class parenting throughout the world, and it’s connected with the most successful child outcomes. While authoritative parents are very sincere, nurturing, and open towards their children, they also expect high levels … Read more

Goodnight Moon Analysis Essay

In the children’s bedtime storybook, Goodnight Moon, written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd, the author introduces the reader to “… the great green room” (1) in which greeting the inanimate objects that are first seen when the story begins. The storybook consists of simple lines of rhymes throughout each page along … Read more