Black English Summary

James Baldwin was a novelist, essayist, and playwright who explored the complexities of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in Western societies. His writing helped to legitimize black English as a language variety with its own distinctive features. In his work, Baldwin championed the voices of marginalized people and gave them a platform to speak their … Read more

Right Place Wrong Face

“Right Place, Wrong Face” is a song from the Broadway musical The Lion King. The song is sung by Alton Fitzgerald White, who plays the role of Mufasa in the show. The song is about race and how black people are often misunderstood or mistreated by white people. It’s a powerful and moving song that … Read more

Ruby Bridges Essay

Ruby Bridges (born September 8, 1954 in Tylertown, Mississippi) is an American civil rights activist. In 1960 Ruby Bridges was one of the first black children to attend a previously all-white elementary school in Louisiana as ordered by the court following the U. S Supreme Court ruling on Brown v. Board of Education . Ruby … Read more

Coal By Audre Lorde Analysis

Audre Lorde was born on February 18, 1934 in New York City Coal is one of her greatest poems Coal deals with themes such as discrimination, oppression and racism Coal deals with life and death Coal deals with hatred Coal deals with anger Coal deals with the black community Coal tells us about Audre Lorde’s … Read more

Character Analysis: Big Gay Al

The television series that I will be writing about is South Park, the series is about four white middle class elementary school boys named Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Eric Cartman, and Kenny McCormick and their daily adventures in South Park Colorado. However, the one character that is touched upon quite a bit in the episode … Read more

The Whisper Song Analysis Essay

In 2005, the Ying Yang Twins released “one of the greatest rap songs about sex”, titled “Wait (The Whisper Song)”. This song hit “No. 3 on Billboard’s R&B/hip-hop singles chart, is up for best rap performance by a duo or a group” (Ollison 2006); however, was unabashedly misogynistic. This song received incredible praise for its … Read more

Rene Romanos Narrative Of Redemption Essay

Civil Rights and the violence that perused around the 1960’s used to be and still are a major problem for people of The United States. Romano noticed that there were generally three themes that came with the new modernizing idea of reversing segregation. These three recurring themes in Romano’s article of the presence of a … Read more

Affirmative Action Is Unfair Research Paper

Affirmative action is a controversial topic that could be discussed for hours, either for or against it. Some people believe that it is an essential to assure that people of all backgrounds can have the same opportunities as others. Other people believe that affirmative action is a crutch that allows people unprepared for positions to … Read more

The Color Purple Essay

“You’d bet not never tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy” (Walker 1). These are the first words written in the novel which embody the struggle that the main character, Celie, withholds throughout the novel in trying to differentiate her surroundings as good or evil. At this instance, Celie had been raped by her … Read more

Essay on Controversial Fashion Magazines

‘Vogue is a fashion magazine, and a fashion magazine is about change,” Anna Wintour. Imagine a girl walking down the crowded streets, when she suddenly see a newsstand filled to the brim with brand new magazines. She sees poking out amongst the chaos the beautiful colors of the cover of Vogue. She feels the excitement … Read more

13th Amendment History Essay

For more than a century now the right of the African Americans have been taken away. Slavery in the Unites States dates back to the year 1619 in Jamestown, Virginia January 11, 1864, the 13th amendment was proposed by Senator John B. Henderson of Missouri if passed it would abolish all slavery in the United … Read more

Racial Profiling Summary Essay

The article “Should Racial Profiling Be Accepted as a Law Enforcement Practice? “, published by ProCon. org discusses the pros and cons on if racial profiling should be practiced by the law enforcement. Those in favor of this practice admit that people of color are targeted more by law enforcement agencies because they are the … Read more

Essay on Radical Republican Reconstruction

How did Radical Republicans gain control of Reconstruction politics? The Radical Republicans gained control of Reconstruction with the 1866 election. There was violence against freedmen, and the Northerners were outraged. The Republicans came up with the 14th Amendment. It gave anyone born in the United States citizenship. This included freed slaves. Numerous Northerners saw the … Read more

Crown Heights Riot Research Paper

“I want to state upfront, unequivocally and without doubt: I do not believe that any racial, ethnic or gender group has an advantage in sound judging. I do believe that every person has an equal opportunity to be a good and wise judge, regardless of their background or life experiences” (Sonia Sotomayor). There are so … Read more

Alone Together Analysis Research Paper

Personal authenticity can be defined as having a real true and an honest relationship with oneself and others. To have an authentic relationship two people must have a genuine and strong bond with each other. The theory of authenticity is expressed by Sherry Turkle in her argument titled “Alone Together”. In Turkle’s argument she strongly … Read more

Emmett Till Murder Essay

“#BlackLivesMatter” is an expanding movement that fights for freedom and justice for all black lives. It started in 2012, after Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman while walking unarmed in his neighborhood. Zimmerman was later acquitted of all charges. This create a nationwide outrage in which the public felt that there was a total … Read more

The Cosmopolitan Canopy Research Paper

In The Cosmopolitan Canopy, the author, Elijah Anderson, discusses and describes public areas in the city of Philadelphia, where diverse groups of people can mingle and relax in peace, despite their differences. Anderson refers to these public spaces as “cosmopolitan canopies. ” According to the author, who has lived and worked in different areas of … Read more

The Glory Field Analysis Essay

In the book, The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers, the author uses the setting to develop the theme and conflict that people will have to face challenges everyday, but the consequences you can receive can draw the line between life or death because sometimes people don’t want to see you succeed in life with … Read more

March On Washington Dbq Analysis Essay

Since the Europeans settled in North America, African-Americans were oppressed and enslaved by whites. Although the Civil War abolished slavery, there was still racial segregation that excluded blacks from certain rights; there was still a harsh system of inequality by white supremacy. Blacks were banned from associating with whites in regular and public institutions such … Read more

Racial Profiling Thesis Essay

Racial Profiling Numerous people sense that the pattern of profiles is useful for law bureaucrats. Some supporters contend that as soon as race is clarified, but not certainly as the only issue profiles are beneficial. In addition, individuals who upkeep the practice have a habit of judgment that protests profiling by ethnically lessened groups are … Read more

New Jim Crow Thesis Essay

Michelle Alexander’s book, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness”, essentially analyzes the United States criminal justice system. The main thesis/ argument of her analysis is that mass incarceration constitutes a new system of racial oppression that is similar to slavery and the original Jim Crow. Furthermore, she claims that mass … Read more

Essay On The Zoot Suit Riots

The Zoot Suit Riots were a series of racial attacks in 1943 throughout in L. A, California, throughout a amount once several immigrants arrived for the defense effort and new appointed, servicemen flooded Los Angeles. U. S sailors and marines attacked Mexican groups, recognizable by the zoot suits they favored and would always where, as … Read more

Social Inequalities In The Blind Side Essay

Social inequalities have shaped and defined the culture of the modern american history. Social inequalities were the breakpoints that drove movements such as the harlem renaissance and many more african american fronts all striving for equality. This idea is dominant in both the poems of “langston hughes” and “The Blind Side” directed by John lee … Read more