War Of 1812 Essay Outline

The War of 1812 was a war that lasted approximately two to three years between the British and the United States it is also known as the “second war of Independence”, because of the agreement also known as the Treaty of Ghent, which of course ended the War of 1812 on February 17. 1815. This … Read more

North Carolina Colony Essay

The Founding of the Colony of North Carolina In the 1580’s British established two colonies in North Carolina, both in which they failed. However, in the 1600s permanent settlers from Virginia began to move to North Carolina, and it eventually became part of a British colony known as “Carolina. ” North Carolina was first settled … Read more

Alien And Sedition Acts Dbq Analysis Essay

In 1798, Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. This was a set of four laws, namely the Naturalization Act, The Alien Friends Act, the Alien Enemies Act, and the Sedition Act. The three alien acts were meant to manage perceived ‘dangerous’ foreigners in the build-up to a possible war with France while the Sedition … Read more

Clara Barton’s Role In The Civil War Essay

The Civil War was a huge aspect in America’s history. This could seem quite obvious but it did indeed leave a very large footprint in the plan for America. If it weren’t for the Civil War our nation could possibly be split as of today. Fortunately, America is only one nation, under God, to quote … Read more

Causes Of The Great Chicago Fire Essay

One of the most famous disasters in 1871 was the Great Chicago Fire. Only one person started the fire and that was Daniel “Pegleg” Sullivan. He went to the bran to get some more beer for the people who attended the party.. There are lots of great reasons he started the fire, for one, He … Read more

Essay on Age Of Exploration Dbq

The Age of Exploration was a time period from the 15th century to the 18th century in which Europeans embarked on extensive overseas expeditions. European nations, such as Portugal, Spain, England, and the Netherlands, participated heavily in global trade and set up many trade routes and colonies. Many people would say that the Europeans’ only … Read more

Muckrakers During The Progressive Era Essay

From the 1890s to the 1920s, many citizens of the United States participated in social activism in order to bring about social and political change. “Muckrakers” played an essential role during this Progressive Era. These journalists had the objective of educating the public about issues and persuading more people to fight for reform, and they … Read more

Battle Of Chickamauga Essay

Piper Schuller – Chickamauga – Generals – Weapons With over 20 percent of the Confederate forces killed or wounded, 16,000 Union casualties, and 18,000 Confederate casualties, the Battle of Chickamauga was known as the second bloodiest battle of the Civil War, closely following the Battle of Gettysburg. The Union and the Confederacy were fighting for … Read more

18th Century American Education Dbq Analysis Essay

The 18th century in Europe was a dynamic center for changes in daily life. The prior centuries saw the decline in the social status of women and Renaissance ideals hoping to keep them in the home. It also was witness to the church’s dominion in education and the social gap between the privileged children who … Read more

Hancock In The Civil War Essay

During the American Civil War, the Union and the Confederacy went through many different generals at the head of their armies. These generals ranged from very skilled, highly educated generals to battle bred, tacticians who were always one step ahead of the enemy in the battles. Today, I will be writing about one of the … Read more

Battle Of Antietam Analysis Essay

Between 1860-1865, the U. S. was engaged in a Civil War between the North and the South. It was unprecedented in its use of photography to document the various aspects of war. This picture is the bloody battle of Antietam. The photo was taken by Alexander Gardner displaying the horrific tragedy that occurred at the … Read more

Solitary Fair War Research Paper

The Sanitary Commission was a known profit organization that was sanctioned by the U. S. government in 1861 to help provide supplies and aid to the medical corps. It was not the first organization of its kind but it was the first to have a major and lasting effect on the army. The Sanitary Commission … Read more

Baltimore City Jail DBQ Essay

On July 28, 1812, nine men huddled together inside the Baltimore City Jail, not because they were being detained for criminal malfeasance, but for their own protection from the mob of 1,500 angry Baltimoreans gathered outside. The men inside the jail, led my Alexander C. Hanson, were members or affiliates of the unpopular Federalist newspaper, … Read more

Arlington House Thesis Essay

In the year 1861, while President Abraham Lincoln was in office, shots were fired at Union troops at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. Lincoln requested the help of 75,000 troops to protect the nation’s capital. At this time of the rebellion, the state of Virginia was assumed to be contributing to the revolt, however, had … Read more

Indian Removal Dbq Essay

During the early to mid-1800s, the relationship between Americans and Native Americans became severely strained. Many Americans believed the western land was completely their own through the devastating concept of manifest destiny. Among the people carefully observing this issue were not just people who were supportive of forcefully taking Indian land, but also those who … Read more

Life In Colonial Times Essay

Colonial Williamsburg represents life in colonial times with colonial buildings, architecture, and performances. The Capitol, built in 1705 and constructed by the contractor, Henry Cary, has helped build the new nation during the Revolutionary War era, now known as the United States of America. The representatives at the Capitol were at the oldest representative assembly … Read more

Penny Synthesis Essay

“A penny saved is a penny earned” (Benjamin Franklin). In The United States virtually anyone can find a symbolic reminder of why the nation has flourished the way it has and why it continues. The pride that a usual American holds within themselves is the reason why the The United States continues to flourished rather … Read more

Challenges After Reconstruction Essay

The United States had a Reconstruction Era after the Civil War. This was needed for the rebuilding of the United States. An exact date that this started would be 1865. The Reconstruction of America changed civilians in numberless ways. Different challenges arose as concepts for this plan came to mind. The North and the South … Read more

Essay on African American Nat Turner In The 1800’s

During the early 1800s, slavery played a major role in America, specifically the southern part of the nation. African-American Nat Turner greatly opposed slavery and those who enforced the act that questioned individuals’ humanity. Nat Turner’s actions proved that he had the strength to revolt and stand up for what he believed in. His actions … Read more

Essay on Chinese Exclusion Act Of 1882 Analysis

Modern society is determined by the past, knowing the past makes it easier to understand the present, and learning from previous mistakes shall determine future actions. The American gold rush of 1849 produced increased employment opportunities in the Western United States but coincided with a period of poverty in China. The Chinese Exclusion Act of … Read more

The Progressive Reform Movement Essay

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, middle class Americans saw the need for changes. Reform was needed in society, politics, and economics. The problems of overcrowding in cities, corruption in government, as well as unsafe and indifferent working conditions all needed to be addressed. A wide variety of people advocated for major reforms … Read more

The Civil War: The Compromise Of 1850 Essay

The Compromise of 1850 was an effort to pacify the rising tensions between the north and the south. The issue of slavery was becoming a problem that none could overlook. This bitter rivalry was heating up even more so after the Mexican-American war. America won substantial amount of land, which stretched all the way to … Read more

54th Regiment Essay

Topic The topic of this paper is the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Colored Infantry commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw during the Civil War. Question Why was the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer important during the Civil War? Structure and Sources This paper will first include the prelude to the 54th Volunteer Mass Regiment … Read more

Genghis Khan: Destined to be a Hero

Arriving in this world with a blood clot in the palm of his hand , Genghis Khan was destined to be a hero. In 1167, Genghis Khan was born to Yisugei, Chieftain of the Kiyat-Borjigid, and his wife Ho’elun. He was named Temujin (which means blacksmith) after a Tatar Chieftain his father had just captured. … Read more

Crisis, Unrest, and the Possibility for Peace

True to many observers that since there hasn’t been any major conflicts to start the second half of the 20th century that there should be peace and prosperity in the world. The truth though shows a different picture of this time period. Prosperity was very prevelent in the world and many of the countries that … Read more

How the 1970s Shaped American History

The Nineteen Seventies was a pop culture decade. From Hippies to Disco and Saturday Night Fever to The Brady Bunch, the Seventies were full of cultural changes that shaped society for years to come. Although pop culture was important, many political outcomes also occurred. The Watergate scandal, the official end of the Vietnam conflict, and … Read more

Imperial Telecommunications

Imperialism has existed in the world since the beginning of government all together, but this practice took a dramatic turn in the latter half of the nineteenth century. New inventions, modern thinking, and stronger governments all made imperialism easier. Now thousands of miles could be conquered in a matter of months; an empire could have … Read more

Charlemagne, King of the Franks

Throughout history, there have been many good and bad rulers, from the bravery of Alexander the Great, to the madness of George III. None, however, helped shape European feudalism like Charlemagne, King of the Franks, First of the Holy Roman Emperors. His advancements in government were not his only advancements though. He created an educational … Read more

Hiroshima Essay

Up until August 6th, occasional bombs, which did no great damage had fallen on Hiroshima. Many cities roundabout, one after another were destroyed, but Hiroshima itself remained protected. There were daily observations of planes over the city, but none of them dropped a bomb. The citizens wondered why they alone, had remained undisturbed for such … Read more

Luther the Father of the Natzis

Anti-Semite. The word rests in a conversation like a foul stench and with it comes unbidden images and accusations. Today in many circles this word alone is possibly the most horrendous name to place on a person. Maybe though, not because of what it means, but because of what it brings to mind. Automatically and … Read more

Berlin Blockade

On June 26, 1948 the largest airlift began as the American and British forces began the Berlin Airlift. To understand how the airlift came to be, we have to look all the way back to the Yalta Conference. The Yalta Conference began in February 1945 in which the three superpowers, America, Russia and Britain, met … Read more

Dwight David Eisenhower

He was born in a small town called Deniso in western Texas in the year 1890 (Hargrove 22). Then he and his family moved to a railroad town called Abilene in the state of Kansas. Here Dwight Eisenhower grew upwith his 13 other family members. (Hargrove 19). Dwight David Eisenhower is one of Americas greatest … Read more

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia, one of the three Maritime and one of the four Atlantic provinces of Canada, bordered on the north by the Bay of Fundy, the province of New Brunswick, Northumberland Strait, and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and on the east, south, and west by the Atlantic Ocean. Nova Scotia consists primarily of a … Read more

Fort Pillow Attack

It is almost as difficult to find consistent information about the incident at Fort Pillow as it is to determine the moral significance of its outcome. Scholars disagree about exactly what transpired on April 12, 1864 at Fort Pillow, when General Nathan Bedford Forrest captured the fort with his 1,500 troops and claimed numerous Union … Read more

Crusades Essay

In the Middle Ages, Christians considered Palestine the Holy Land because it was where Jesus had lived and taught. The Arabs had conquered Palestine in the 600s. Most Arabs were Muslims, but they usually tolerated other religions. Jews and Christians who paid their taxes and observed other regulations were free to live in Palestine and … Read more

The Bubonic Plague in Europe

The Black Death in Europe was one of the continents worth natural disasters. The bubonic plague wiped out nearly 60% of the population, causing changes that took many years to recover. The effects of art are astonishing. Every person and social class were affected, the church lost prestige and power, as did the doctors and … Read more