Ida Jean Orlando Theory

Ida Jean Orlando is a well-known nurse and theorist who developed the Nursing Process, which is still used in nursing today. She was born in New York City in 1924 and received her nursing diploma from Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing in 1945. After working as a staff nurse and head nurse, she returned to … Read more

Sentinel Event Case Study

A sentinel event is a serious, unexpected or life-threatening event that occurs in a health care setting. Sentinel events are typically associated with preventable harm to patients and can result in significant negative outcomes, including death. Nurses play a vital role in the prevention of sentinel events. By understanding the root causes of these events … Read more

Social Determinants Of Health Essay

The importance of health in daily life cannot be overstated. In our culture, there are people who stay healthy and those who are continuously unhealthy. It’s critical to discover why people aren’t as healthy today as they were a generation ago. The key to being successful in the field is to understand the concepts that … Read more

Barbara Norris

As a nurse, Barbara Norris knows the importance of change. In her role as head nurse of the general surgery unit at St. Mary’s Medical Center, she has seen firsthand how changes in procedures and protocols can make a big difference in patient care. Norris is a strong advocate for change, and she has been … Read more

Nursing Shortage Essay

The nursing shortage is a growing problem in the United States. There are not enough nurses to care for all the patients who need them. This shortage is expected to get worse as more people get sick and need medical care. Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system. They are the ones who … Read more

Mentor Essay Example

As a nurse, you will likely be called upon to mentor other nurses at some point in your career. Mentorship is an important role that can help new nurses learn the ropes and adjust to the demands of the job. Here are some tips on how to be a successful mentor: – Be patient: remember … Read more

My Goal Is To Become A Nurse Essay

Health care is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Without good health, we cannot enjoy our lives to the fullest. That’s why I’ve made it my goal to become a nurse. As a nurse, I will be able to help people in need and make a difference in their lives. I will … Read more

Clinical Reflective Journal Nursing Example

On January 25th, 2019, I had the pleasure of participating in a pediatric simulation with my clinical team. The simulation took place at Western Regional School of Nursing’s simulation lab. My clinical group, two nursing instructors, and I were all there for the occasion. Our clinical group was present since it was part of our … Read more

Critique Of Systematic Research Review SRR

As a Nursing student, I was recently assigned to read and critique a Systematic Research Review (SRR). I have never done this type of assignment before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. After reading the SRR, I found it to be a well-written and informative piece of research. However, there are some areas that … Read more

Patient Care Situation Adn vs BSN

There are two main types of nursing degrees: the associate degree and the baccalaureate degree. Both types of programs can lead to a career in nursing, but there are some key differences between the two. The associate degree is typically a two-year program that leads to an Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN). This type of … Read more

Ethical Dilemma In Nursing Essay

Abuse and violence are unfortunately all too common in today’s world. Nurses may be faced with ethical dilemmas when confronted with these situations. For example, if a nurse suspects that a patient is being abused, she may feel obligated to report it to the authorities. However, she may also feel that it is not her … Read more

Family Health Assessment Papers

The goal of family assessment is to improve the health and control or prevent disease in the family. The nurse will be able to assess the family’s general health, interpersonal relationships among members, and any chronilogical issues in the family during this process. Identifying familial risk factors can help nurses plan how to address these … Read more

Qualitative Research Critique Example

Qualitative research is a scientific method used to study human behavior. Qualitative research is conducted by observing and interviews people to gather data about their beliefs, values, and opinions. Qualitative research is often used in nursing to study how patients cope with illness and how they make decisions about their care. Qualitative research has many … Read more

Taking A Stand Essay Examples

With the advancement of new technologies, the nursing profession is always evolving and growing in complexity. The new level of responsibility puts nurses to the test in addressing a variety of complex situations in healthcare, particularly their duty to safeguard patients’ rights and dignity as well as their safety. To be a nurse is not … Read more

Children’s Functional Health Pattern Assessment

It is important to assess a child’s sleep patterns as part of their overall health assessment. Sleep is vital for physical and mental development in children, and disruptions to sleep can have significant consequences. There are different ways to assess a child’s sleep patterns. One way is to ask the parents or caregivers about the … Read more

Why Do You Want To Be A CNA Essay

There are many reasons why someone might want to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). For some, it is a calling to help others in their time of need. Others may be drawn to the field due to the potential for job stability and good pay. And still others simply enjoy working with people and … Read more

Jean Watson Theory Analysis

One of the most influential theories in nursing today is the Theory of Caring, developed by Jean Watson. This theory focuses on the importance of caring and compassion in nursing practice and emphasizes the role of nurses as providers of care rather than simply caregivers. While there are many different aspects to this theory, some … Read more

Analysis Of Jean Watson Theory

The Theory of Caring states that care is the foundation for nurse-patient relationships. Caring is defined by compassion, empowerment, knowledge, and competence (Holistic Nursing Theory Jean Watson Theory, 2010). Others argue that it is a characteristic of the seventh vital sign which relates to pain management in patients. The Theory of Caring is a holistic … Read more

Direct Supervisor Roles

The direct supervisor is the individual who oversees the service activities and provides frontline staff with constant direction, assistance, and feedback. Support from supervisors may build nurse commitment. As organizational representatives, supervisors who strive to create favorable job conditions are likely to experience a reciprocal concern for the organizational wellbeing from nurses. In this way, … Read more

Child Sex Trafficking In Nursing

Nurses play a crucial role in eradicating the crime of DMST through identification of, intervention strategies and advocacy for the victims (McClain & Garrity, 2011). The most common health care settings where victims utilize services include the emergency room, obstetrics and gynecology, urgent care and the school nurse’s office (Miller, 2013). In a study conducted … Read more

The Iowa Model Of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is an important step in the current health care evolution. Model guided practice change provides clinical effectiveness with the best available research information, which affect positive patient outcomes. “EBP is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with a clinician`s expertise along with the patient`s … Read more

Spiritual Practice Research Paper

Throughout many years, multiple people have believed that spiritual practices can help with illnesses, or even that some illnesses can start from bad spirits. There are different kinds of spiritual practices and beliefs based on diverse religions. Even though there can be good connections between a nurse and a patient, there are barriers that can … Read more

Tracheostomy Research Paper

This paper examines numerous published articles that speak about the benefits of oxygen therapy, its medical uses, and its palliative values. This paper discusses two differing possibilities in oxygen application, and various conditions that can be managed with oxygen (Sharifipour, 2011). This study will also explain tracheostomy use, when it is indicated, and how it … Read more

Quasi-Experimental Design Essay

Critical Appraisal of a Quasi-Experimental Design Nursing research is an essential part of a nurse’s profession; it has a remarkable influence on current and future evidencebased practice (Tingen, Burnett, & Murchison, 2009). Therefore, it is vital that nurses develop the skill of critiquing a research paper to know how to read and understand those reports. … Read more

Nursing: The Role Of Professionalism In Nursing Essay

Everywhere you go and in everything you do, professionalism comes in to account in some way or another. Professionalism can be looked at as a strict adherence to courtesy, honesty and responsibility when dealing with individuals or other companies in the business environment. When it comes to the career of nursing, professionalism is taken to … Read more

Nursing Practice And Decision-Making Analysis Essay

Domain 3: Nursing practice and Decision-making What? My abilities to nursing practice and decision making are identified by appendix 1 (the self-review). Also, these abilities are supported by appendix 3 (nursing skill sheet) and appendix4 (the leadership self-assessment tool) Decision-making is an integral part of nursing practice and the decisions nurses make affect patient care, … Read more

Political Issues In Nursing Essay

Politics is a constant changing field, just like the Practice of Nursing but as nurses it is our responsibility and duty to keep up to date with changes being made that will effect our profession. The biggest concern nationwide seems to be the number of patients that a nurse can safely care for and while … Read more

Essay On Clinical Reflection

For this fourth clinical, I was more aware of what I was expected to due. I chose two patients, both begin female. I was happy to have two female patients this time around. My primary patient for clinical was an eighty-five-year-old female who had been admitted for adult failure to thrive. I kept my patient’s … Read more

Hand Hygiene Compliance In Nursing Care Essay

The implementation plan or any change will be directed towards the infection control department, the nursing staff, upper management, and with the nurse manager of the facility. The project will take time involving the nurse manager in the initial steps and planning. A presentation in the form of a verbal presentation with visual aid posters … Read more

Nursing Cellulitis Case Studies Essay

26 year old Native American female admitted with the diagnosis of Cellulitis. Her chief complaint of fever and vomiting that started at 1600 on 11/2/2016 with pain, swelling and redness in the right and left forearm. Patient reported shooting up Opana and using cocaine in the last 12 hours. Patient cleans her needles with Clorox … Read more

Black Nurses Association History Essay

Introduction The Black Nurses Association was founded in Tuskegee, Alabama at the Nursing School of Tuskegee University under the great leadership of Dr. Lauranne Sams, which was the former Dean and Professor of Nursing. This organization was organized and began establishment in the year of 1971. However, the Black Nurses Association did not get founded … Read more

Rlt2 Task 4 Research Paper

INTRODUCTION. This contextual project work consists of 10 concepts from the module entitled “Research and Nursing research” Block 3. I will describe each of the concepts in terms of its meaning, critically analyzed for its real life application and will be followed by some references of the current research evidence. Real life application will explore … Read more

Ethical Decision Making: Case Study Essay

In this discussion, I utilized the 7 steps of the Ethical Model for Ethical Decision Making as outlined in McGonigle and Mastrian (2015) to analyze the case study. Ethical Dilemma Examined with conflicting Values: The case manager was given a message by the physician which was to simply contact the family and have they come … Read more