Why Teachers Should Be Paid More Essay

Education is the most important factor in the development of a country. A good education system is the backbone of any developed country. Teachers play a very important role in providing quality education to children. They are the ones who nurture the young minds and prepare them for the future. Teachers should be appreciated more … Read more

Homework Should Be Abolished

There is no doubt that homework is a controversial topic in education. Some people believe that it is an essential part of the learning process, while others argue that it should be abolished altogether. So, what is the truth? Well, there are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. Let’s take a look … Read more

Teacher Leadership Essay

Teachers are often looked up to as leaders in the community. They play an important role in shaping the minds of children, and helping them grow into responsible adults. Teachers are able to do this by setting an example for their students, and teaching them the importance of leadership. Many people may not realize it, … Read more

Teacher As A Leader Essay

Teachers are leaders. They are the teacher, they set the classroom tone, and students often see them as mentors. Through everything teachers have to do, being a leader is their number one priority. They have to be able to handle tough situations without hesitation or disbelief that it could happen. Teachers care about their students … Read more

Decision Theme: Identity

I chose the following decision theme from the handout: Facebook and other social networks… Do they assist or impede in identity formation? Explain and how will you advise kids about using or advising Facebook. This issue is prevalent among today’s generation of adolescents, and future ones. Because technology continues to grow at a rapid pace, … Read more

Loomis: A Personal Experience

When I was just a child the world seems like an endless place, and all the world was to me was my backyard. As I grew, I slowly began to realize that in-fact despite the world’s size, we are all connected somehow and each personal encounter that I experience adds to that connection. This awareness … Read more

Why I Chose Theatre

The theatre has been an important part of my life starting from a young age. Growing up, my mother was always involved with community theatre, and I would attend her rehearsals and performances. The very first live theatre performance I went to see my mom in was A Grand Night For Singing, and from the … Read more

Mockingbird Book Report

There are so many types of disabilities in our world and it is important to not categorize people based on their disability. For this project, I choose to read the book Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine. This was a very thought provoking book that kept me engaged the whole time. Mockingbird is the story of a … Read more

Tier 1 Intervention

Learning how to teach is difficult. Teachers go to school to learn different strategies that can be used within the classroom to help a variety of student needs. However, in the classroom, there will be students who more help with certain areas more than others. Those students could be assessed on numerous scales but the … Read more

Jayden’s Writing Strategies

Jayden (not his real name) is 8 years old and a third-grade student at Jane Long Elementary School. He has been identified as having autism and speech impairment but is gradually improving academically. His personal records show that Jayden is reading at a second-grade level. He once placed in Tier 3 reading but is now … Read more

Science Engagement Observation

There were two presentations made with this group. The first was Materials and Properties, which was aimed at a year 4 class. The second presentation was Living and Non-Living things which was aimed at a year 3 class. These presentations were to engage students with the topics and give the group a chance to present … Read more

MID-TERM Field Assessment Essay

MID-TERM and FINAL evaluations request that mentor teachers provide written evidence of areas of strength and areas for development for the teacher candidates working in their classrooms. Teacher candidates are responsible for arranging conferences with their mentor at MID-TERM and toward the END of the field placement to discuss the evaluation. Teacher candidates are also … Read more

Analytic And Synthetic Phonic Analysis Essay

Phonics is the method for teaching reading or writing in which the sounds or phonemes associated with the individual letters or graphemes are combined to make a word (O’Donnell et al, 2016. p. 331). Phonics is an important educational tool for developing early literacy. There are two major methods educators use for phonics instruction and … Read more

Ezekiel: Mixed Gender Schools Essay

Today is the day Ezekiel starts his new school. He is going to attend an all boys Catholic school and he happens to be transferred from an all girls school. Ezekiel is a transgender teen and has to leave his friends, the people who accept him. Ezekiel is on the bus, just minding his own … Read more

Essay about The Pros And Cons Of Schooling

Schooling is seen as a necessary part of life in America for generations, needed to transform the children of the nation into happy and productive individuals. Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with overall performance. According to the Program for International Student Assessment survey administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development in … Read more

Growth Mindet Reflection Essay

Thave been exposed to the idea of the growth mindset throughout the courses I have completed at Jewell. I agreed with 7 out of the 7 growth mindset questions and I agreed with 0 of the fixed mindset questions on the growth mindset quiz. Though it seems that my current thinking favors the growth mindset … Read more

Bruner’s Theory Of Scaffolding Essay

Bruner (1960) introduced the theory of ‘scaffolding’; in that children build upon information they have already mastered. In 1966 he stated there were three phases of learning: enactive, using concrete equipment to aid learning, iconic – using pictoral representations and symbolic using abstract representations and language. He suggested that the three phases were integrated not … Read more

Essay about Maria Montessori Childhood

Introduction Over the years there have been many innovative leaders in the field of psychology, Maria Montessori was one of them. Maria was born in 1870 and became the first woman in Italy to receive a medical degree. She embedded herself into her work and made significant contributions to the fields of psychiatry, anthropology and … Read more

What Does Education Mean To Me Essay

Since my early childhood, education seemed like a “heavy” and utterly “serious” matter that my parents always talked about with regard to me. I was not then assured what that abstract term really means, or what value that it entails, but I was so far certain that I was destined to get it. A lot. … Read more

Peer Teaching Reflection Essay

The peer teaching lesson I created was on graphing through problem solving in an inquiry-based environment. I had a broad idea of what I wanted to accomplish, and with the help of my professor, peers, and host teacher I was able to create the lesson that accomplished the concept I wanted to sharpen. My host … Read more

Group Member Reflection Essay

Throughout our educational years we’ve all had experience being a group member. The dynamics and preconceived significance of the roles within such groups may pose significant challenges and ultimately their effectiveness. Whether our experience was positive or negative, these groups provided us opportunities to learn, improve, and communicate with others. My placements during my college … Read more

Nt1310 Unit 1 Review Assignment Essay

Tam currently placed at Eagle Academy, a charter school, in East Toledo where I observe 6th and 7th grade Early World history. Mr. Story is the only social studies teacher at the school which means he teaches a whole timeline of events from ancient civilizations, eastern and western hemisphere history, the founding and establishment of … Read more

Reflective Essay On Volunteering

I am spending my time volunteering at St. Marks United Methodist Church (St. Marks UMC). This church is an open community, working to create a comfortable atmosphere for anyone and everyone in and around the area. I work specifically with the youth of the church and I reach out to students who are my age … Read more

Essay about Practicum Reflection

The first time I walked into my practicum classroom, I was so nervous. The students introduced themselves and I introduced who I was, then the student’s asked me all sorts of questions. The questions consisted of: what is your major, do you have pets, and who was your favorite elementary teacher. I told them my … Read more

Controversial Books Should Be Banned In Schools Essay

A major goal many schools aim for is to provide young students with substantial knowledge of the amazingly diverse world they live in. Although this seems to be the case, more than 11,300 books have been challenged for controversial material since 1982; 311 books were challenged recently in 2014 (American Library Association). The fact that … Read more

Token Economy Case Study Essay

A token economy is a method of behavior modification intended to increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors with the use of tokens. Individuals receive tokens immediately after displaying desirable behavior. Individuals collect these tokens and later exchange them for a meaningful object or privilege (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). Anthony and Mia are typically … Read more

Fourth Grade Analysis Essay

Grade analysis results show that school success in Croatian and English is very good, but through years of schooling that success slowly decreases. This is especially emphasized in the fourth grade, where the fall in success is the most obvious. Teachers attribute that to the development phase that children are in. Moreover, they say it … Read more

Essay about Qualitative Narrative Case Study

Researchers predicted that for classroom teachers to be effective in the 21st century with implementing technology within existing schools’ curricula, they will require assistance in organizing diverse instructional activities (Blau & Peled, 2012). This qualitative, narrative case study examined teachers’ attitudes towards technology (e. g. , wireless laptops, tablets, iPads, computers, and any form of … Read more

Classroom Management Philosophy Essay

My philosophy of classroom management and student engagement is to guide my students in a structured environment that allows them the opportunity to be successful, self-disciplined, respectful individuals in the classroom and out. Why students misbehave I believe students misbehave for several reasons; they may not know any better because they have not been taught … Read more

Reflective Essay On Academic Integrity

Valuable information and skills I have obtained during this class are academic integrity, netiquette, APA style and formatting, and critical thinking. These skills are not only vital for course work, however, they are acceptably life learning skills that people will be required to utilize at several points in their lives. Most adults are still learning … Read more