Existential Therapy Case Conceptualization Example

The problem of crime is a complex one, and there are many different psychological approaches that can be taken in order to try to understand and address it. One such approach is existential therapy, which focuses on the individual’s sense of meaning and purpose in life. Existential therapy has been found to be particularly effective … Read more

Causes Of Crime Essay

Crime is a problem that has been around since the beginning of time. It is an act that goes against the law and can result in punishment. There are many different types of crime, ranging from petty theft to murder. The severity of the crime usually dictates the punishment that will be handed down. Crime … Read more

Punishment vs Rehabilitation Essay

There is a debate raging in the United States over what the purpose of jail should be. On one side are those who see jail as a necessary punishment for criminals who have broken the law. On the other side are those who believe that jail should be used as a way to rehabilitate criminals … Read more

Thirty Eight Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call The Police

Martin Gansberg’s article “Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder and Didn’t Call the Police” discusses the murder of Kitty Genovese and the 38 witnesses who did not report it to the police. Martin Gansberg argues that the witnesses’ inaction was due to the bystander effect, which is when people do not take action in an emergency situation … Read more

Societal Needs In Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system is a vital part of any society. It helps to protect citizens from crime and keep the peace. Without it, society would be chaos. There would be no order or law. Criminal justice practitioners play a vital role in society. They help to enforce the law and keep people safe. They … Read more

Why I Want To Be A Police Officer Essay

What does it take to become a police officer? It takes more than just a desire to help others and keep communities safe. Police officers must be physically and mentally tough, have good communication skills, and be able to think on their feet. Education requirements vary by state, but most police officers have at least … Read more

Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults Essay

Most people would agree that juveniles should not be tried as adults. The problem is that our current criminal justice system does not always reflect this sentiment. In fact, in many states, minors can be charged and tried as adults for certain crimes. This is especially true if the juvenile is accused of a violent … Read more

Code Of The Street Summary

The “code of the street” is a term used to describe the unwritten rules that govern how people behave in inner-city neighborhoods. These rules dictate how disputes are resolved and how respect is earned and maintained. People who live outside of these communities often view the code of the street as a set of criminal … Read more

Serial Killer Nature vs. Nurture

It’s one of the oldest debates in psychology: nature vs nurture. Does a person’s environment or their genes have more influence on their behavior? When it comes to serial killers, this debate takes on a whole new level of importance. On the one hand, you have those who believe that serial killers are born, not … Read more

Anti Gun Control Essay

The United States has a long history of firearms. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Gun control is a contentious issue in America, with passionate advocates on both sides. There are a number of arguments against gun control. One is that it … Read more

Rape Victims Rights Essay

Rape is a serious problem that affects millions of people every year. Rape victims often face many challenges, including social stigma, legal hurdles, and emotional trauma. However, there are many organizations and individuals working to help rape victims recover and rebuild their lives. As a social worker, you may be called upon to support someone … Read more

Cyberbullying Critical Analysis

Cyberbullying is a relatively new term that has been increasingly recognized in recent years. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to bully a person. Cyberbullying can take many different forms, such as sending mean or threatening emails, instant messages, or text messages, posting hurtful comments on social networking sites, or even hacking … Read more

Forensic Science Essay

Forensic science is the application of scientific methods and techniques to investigate criminal activity. Forensic scientists use a variety of disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, and other sciences, to analyze physical evidence from crime scenes. This evidence can be used to identify suspects, understand how crimes were committed, and help solve cases. Forensic science has … Read more

Crime in Sports

With the World Cup in full swing, it’s a good time to take a look at the darker side of the beautiful game: crime in sports. While most athletes are upstanding citizens, there have been plenty of cases of criminal activity in the world of professional sports. From match-fixing and bribery to assault and murder, … Read more

Computer crime essay

Computer crime is a growing problem around the world. With the increasing use of computers and the internet, more and more people are finding ways to use them for criminal activities. Hackers are constantly finding new ways to break into systems and steal information. They can also use computers to spread viruses and malware, which … Read more

Sociology Of Serial Killers

Sociology is the study of human social behavior. Sociologists examine the ways in which people interact with each other and how they use and maintain power within society. One area of sociology that has received a great deal of attention in recent years is the study of serial killers. Serial killers are individuals who kill … Read more

Media And Crime Essay

The television has become one of the most important sources of information for people in today’s society. It is also one of the most powerful tools that criminals have at their disposal. The media has a lot of influence over how the public perceives crime, and this can have a significant impact on the justice … Read more


One summer night, Angel Resendez-Ramirez, a lean Mexican immigrant with black hair and striking green eyes, scaled the fence around rusty cross ties and prowled through California’s San Gabriel commuter rail yard. He scooted along an elevated platform as trains rumbled noisily past. But instead of jumping onto a departing train as he had done … Read more

Sociology Of Serial Killers

Serial killers are talked about quite often, especially if their name keeps coming up in the news. Serial Killers are people who kill multiple people (usually several), usually one by one. They make a “cooling off” period between their crimes; this may be anywhere from days to decades. Serial killers may work alone or with … Read more

Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

Gun violence is an ongoing issue in the United States. Gun control laws attempt to reduce the amount of gun-related crime that occurs by placing restrictions on who can own guns, where they can be sold, and how they are sold. Gun rights supporters argue that gun control restricts their Constitutional right to bear arms … Read more

Forensic Science Essay

The Forensic science is the scientific method used for investigating and detecting crime. Forensic scientists collect, preserve, analyze and report on scientific evidence found at the scene of a crime or in connection with another criminal act. Forensic Science was born around 200 years ago by Italian scientist Alessandro Volt27). Forensic science is still a … Read more

Serial Killer Essay

A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people, in two or more separate events over a period of time, for primarily psychological reasons. The United States FBI asserts that serial killers commit crimes (the unlawful killing of one or more human beings by another) to satisfy some abnormal psychological need for … Read more

Day Reporting Center Pros And Cons

The John Augustus Massachusetts Reporting Center is a program for those released from incarceration and put on probation. The Reporting Center focuses on altering former offenders’ behavior so they can stay out of prison and not commit any more crimes. The Reporting Center uses monitoring equipment, such as GPS devices and alcohol detectors, to supervise … Read more

Grisham Case

Question #1 states “Grisham identified four (4) United States supreme court (USSC) cases linked to the Fifth (5th) Amendment. Identify each case presented in the book and provide a one to two sentence statement about that case. ” The first case discusses Hopt v. Utah in which the court stated “The supreme court ruled that … Read more

Example Of Neutralization Essay

Furthermore, Clarke & Cornish (1985), note that it is important to understand the why behind the commission of criminal offending. We have moved past an era where we blame just or genetics, the researchers and authors presented this semester are interested in learning more about the how, why, and the belief system to get a … Read more

Compare And Contrast White Collar Crime Vs Street Crime

Crime occurs almost every day in the United States. Many crimes that occur have motives and there are countless types of crimes such as armed robbery, murder, and embezzlement. Crimes can be categorized as street crime or as white-collar crime. Street crime does more harm than white-collar crime. Street crime is more harmful than white-collar … Read more

Ucr Crimes

According to the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) (1960 – 1995), which is the official arrest statistics, both males and females are tend to be arrested because of less serious offenses. The five most common arrest categories are other except traffic, driving under the influence (DUI), larceny-theft, drug abuse, and other assaults. While arrests for serious … Read more

Criminal Investigation Research Paper

The whole purpose of setting up a perimeter around a crime scene is to protect potential evidence within. The third step in a criminal investigation is initiating a preliminary survey. This step is basically an initial walk through of a crime scene. What investigators are looking for in this step is obvious evidence. This stage … Read more

Mental Shortcuts

Jurors are a fundamental part of the legal system, and the role of this position is to listen to evidence presented during a trial, and decide on the guilt of the defendant (Queensland Courts, 2014). It is important this decision is based on factual evidence from the trial and not other information, prejudices or biases, … Read more

American Prison System Analysis

Seven hundred and seven people for every hundred thousand people are behind bars in the United States as of twenty-twelve, compared to Norway, whose prison population is seventy-two out of a hundred thousand people (see fig. 1 and 2). American prison systems need to be updated similar to the Norwegian prison system, via using taxpayer … Read more

Psychological Theories Of Crime Essay

For many centuries crime is what keeps the world in order but how can people understand crime? In Criminology we are taught to understand the aspects of crime. It is very important that people crime and the different perspectives. To understand the broadness of Crime we must understand the different theories and sub-theories of crime. … Read more

Lollapalooza Effect Essay

**Lollapalooza** >When you get two or three of these psychological principles operating together, then you really get irrationality on a tremendous scale. If two or more of psychological principles or misjudgments work in the same direction, you get a lollapalooza effect, “irrationality on a tremendous scale. ” What are some psychological principles that cause misjudgments? … Read more

The Importance Of Police Legitimacy Essay

n order for police to effectively police an area they must have cooperation. With this comes the ability to lower the crime rate and make the community feel more secure, but how is this done? Police alone cannot make people feel secure and community members cannot make others feel safer alone either, this come when … Read more

Criminal Law Purpose Essay

Purposes of Criminal Law Introduction The question as to what the criminal law aims to accomplish is one that cannot be easily answered as criminal law has a wide variety of purposes that work individually to manage different aspects of society. These purposes are split into two categories, instrumental and non-instrumental that together aim to … Read more

The Pros And Cons Of Japanese Policing Essay

Many policing agencies around the world deal with crime in various ways, some adopting community based policing techniques while others may adopt a militaristic approach. In the case of Japanese policing however some researchers believe that their methods are the most effective or considered to be the best. This paper will document why these methods … Read more

Gerry Mitchell Case Study Essay

Dear Sir/Madam, I provide this submission on behalf of Mr Gerry Mitchell in response to the Notice of Intention to Consider Refusal of his application for Partner Visa (Class UK) (Subclass 820) on the grounds of subsection 501(1) of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)”the Act”, dated [date of NOICR]. Introduction Mr Mitchell was convicted and … Read more

The Career Of Criminology Essay

After taking a survey I was matched with the career subculture of human services. With much extensive research, I discovered the career of criminology. Criminology is the scientific study of crime, including its causes, possible outcomes, effects on society, and methods of prevention. It is a branch of sociology, which is the study of social … Read more

Forensic Evidence History Essay

The world of crime has been around for thousands of years, with no way or form to properly solve these crime, many innocent people were framed into being thought guilty, and in return getting punished. That all changed at the beginning of the 19th century with the introduction of forensic science. Forensic science was a … Read more