Why College Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid

High school athletes often have their sights set on playing their sport in college. For many, it is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. College athletics are a big business, however, and some believe that the athletes who generate all of this revenue should be compensated beyond their scholarships. There are many … Read more

Should Everyone Go To College They Say I Say

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether everyone should go to college. Some people may benefit greatly from earning an academic degree, while others may find that a different path is more suited to their needs and interests. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to attend college should be made based … Read more

Problems College Students Face Essay

One of the biggest challenges facing college students today is University. University can be a very stressful time for students, as they are often juggling many different things at once. For example, students may be working part-time jobs to help pay for tuition, while also trying to maintain good grades and socialize with friends. This … Read more

Dave Eggers Serve Or Fail

In his book Serve or Fail, Dave Eggers argues that students would benefit from more community service opportunities. He points out that although college itself is time-consuming, there are still many hours in the day that could be used for helping others. By giving students the opportunity to serve the community in exchange for course … Read more

Should College Be Free Essay

There are a lot of opinions out there about whether or not college should be free of charge. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision: – The cost of college has been rising faster than the rate of inflation for years, making it increasingly difficult for families to afford. – Many … Read more

Essay On Year-round School

Year-round schooling is a bad idea for high school students. Education is important, but students need time to relax and enjoy their childhood. School should be a time to make friends and memories, not just a place to learn. Year-round schooling takes away from that. Students need time to be kids. The act or process … Read more

Why Am I In College Essay Examples

Why am I in college? An excellent question – I graduated from high school in May 2002 after almost ten years. While most of my friends and high-school graduates were considering going to college, I wasn’t. My mother asked me what I wanted to do with my life after high school when she noticed that … Read more

Does College Help

There is no definitive answer to the question of whether or not college helps careers. However, there are some potential benefits that students may experience by completing a college education. One benefit of attending college is that it can give students exposure to different careers. By taking various classes and interacting with professors, students may … Read more

Why College Athletes Should Be Paid Essay

Athletes get paid, this will allow them to generate more income by using their marketable skills that colleges are investing into during the time they receive payment creating more jobs for other Americans instead of cutting back on spending due to lack of resources. Athletes get paid then it will be okay if athletes don’t … Read more

Pros and Cons of Title IX

Title IX (Title 9) is a US federal statute that prohibits discrimination based on gender in any educational programs which receive federal funds. Title IX states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any … Read more

Loomis: A Personal Experience

When I was just a child the world seems like an endless place, and all the world was to me was my backyard. As I grew, I slowly began to realize that in-fact despite the world’s size, we are all connected somehow and each personal encounter that I experience adds to that connection. This awareness … Read more

Student Loans Analysis

Student loans have spiraled out of control within the last few decades and this is negatively impacting our society. The average of obtaining a degree at a public four-year college is $9,300 and has been steadily rising by four percent since 1985. This trend is most likely going to continue the way it is and … Read more

College Student Comparison Essay

Comparison to the Average College Student Data First and foremost, I was very interested in how many similarities and differences that there was between myself and the average college student. I found the similarities interesting because I do not feel that I spend my time evenly in each area, like I assumed the average college … Read more

My College Goals Essay

There are many goals in my life that I want to achieve; therefore, I came up with a few goals to help me out along the way. It is currently my second semester in college, but my first goal is to graduate college in four years and open my sneaker store I want to open. … Read more

My Junior Year Essay

It all started my junior year of high school. I was excited to begin my wonderful journey in Future Farmers of America. I was nervous but the road ahead of me was going to be an awesome experience. Some of my experiences include showing my animals, the competitions I attended, being a FFA officer and … Read more

Student Loan Debt Analysis Essay

The story of student loan debt isn’t too often talked about, students don’t take it too serious like they should. College students that barely have time to work spend four years thinking about the student loan; how it will affect their life after college; how they will manage to pay it later. Seven in a … Read more

Discourse Community Definition Essay

My definition of a discourse community is basically any group of people who share similar interest and knowledge about a topic, have some common background or experiences, and share some way of communicating with each other. The student body here at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) is my discourse community. The student body … Read more

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay

What is the difference between college athletes and pro athletes? Pro athletes are paid and college athletes are not paid. But pro athletes are professionals and college athletes are students and athletes. The question is whether college athletes should be paid or not. Paying college athletes has been controversial for many years. Many believe paying … Read more

Should College Athletes Get Paid Essay

Why College Athletes Should Get Compensation Imagine spending hours and hours a week working as hard as you can at a very hard task and getting almost nothing in return. This is what college athletes go through when they voluntarily play for their school. More of their time is spent on their sport per week … Read more

Fun Run Experience Research Paper

The National Football League (NFL) Pro-Bowl Fun Run Experience is a fundraiser event to raise money for NFL charities. The fun run would include the following: the kids’ fun run, a Super Fan 5k Fun Run, and the Ultimate Fan 10K Fun Run. This event takes place annually and the day before the Pro Bowl … Read more

Reflective Essay: What I Learned In The Science Fair

If there was one thing I learned from science fairs–besides learning how to properly record my data–is that friendships require forgiveness. It may seem implausible and absurd, but during the science fair two years ago, I had finally learned this valuable lesson of forgiving. I would often dwell upon this memory and smile, wondering how … Read more

Success Definition Essay

Most people measure success monetarily. We spend the majority of our lives working towards success (“Defining success”). The word “success” is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Individuals who would be considered successful in this generation are Kim Kardashian or even Justin Bieber. These celebrities simply live … Read more

Why College Is Important Essay

Do you ever wonder why you’re stuck in a dead end job hoping that someday you’ll win the lottery? Do you ever wonder why you don’t have a good paying job and wanting a raise? Do you ever wonder why you don’t have to reach your dreams/goals? Well, College is something worth taking and will … Read more

School Hacks Persuasive Speech Essay

Like many of you reading this, I am also heading back to school. Whether you are starting another semester at college, the second half of Senior year or going back to finish the eighth grade these school hacks can help us all. Like a wise person once said, “I can’t wait to go back to … Read more

Personal Narrative: Freshman Year Essay

High school is a new atmosphere to everyone. There’s more people, new teachers. It doesn’t start to hit you that you’re almost done with high school until the first week of senior year. It feels like just yesterday you were coming to open house freshman year. You defiantly feel a little intimidated when you’re a … Read more