How To Achieve Happiness

Emotion is one of the key elements to happiness. Emotionally happy people are usually also physically healthy people. They tend to have great social lives and strong relationships. Emotionally happy people feel good about themselves and their lives. What causes happiness? There are many things that can contribute to a person’s happiness. Some believe that … Read more

Aristotle Golden Mean Essay

Aristotle’s Golden Mean is a concept from ethics that suggests that the virtuous path in life lies between two extremes. On one side is excess, and on the other side is deficiency. The Golden Mean represents the middle ground between these two extremesFor example, if we consider the virtue of courage, Aristotle would say that … Read more

Am I Blue Alice Walker

It is often said that blue is the color of sadness. This may be why the protagonist of Alice Walker’s short story “Am I Blue” feels so despondent. The narrator, a black woman, tells the story of her close friendship with a horse named Blue. She describes how they would spend hours together, talking and … Read more

What Is A Hottie

A Hottie is a term used to describe someone who is considered attractive. The word is often used to describe someone who elicits an emotional reaction, such as feeling hot, flushed, or excited. Hottie can be used as a noun or an adjective. When used as a noun, it refers to a person who is … Read more

Mockingbird Book Report

There are so many types of disabilities in our world and it is important to not categorize people based on their disability. For this project, I choose to read the book Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine. This was a very thought provoking book that kept me engaged the whole time. Mockingbird is the story of a … Read more

Olly The Roy Orbison Analysis

ONLY THE LONELY tells the true-life story of music pioneer Roy Orbison. The music, era, and culture come to life authentically. It’s very enjoyable to “watch” the iconic music figures like Johnny Cash, Elvis, and the Everly Brothers interact with Roy Orbison. There’s no doubt that Roy is a character that remains an iconic pioneer … Read more

Physiological Pithole

Every so often we come face to face with an obstacle that seems even greater than the last. We fall into a deep physiological pithole where we fear our efforts to climb to the top will not be sufficient enough to actually reach it. First, we try to rationalize the situation. We tell ourselves that … Read more

Visual Nursing Home

Typically, when people think about growing old, they think about spending their weekends with the grandkids, going to church on a bright and sunny Sunday morning or even going to the lake for the day and fishing. Nobody really, truly thinks about what life is like when you can no longer take care of yourself. … Read more

Social Group Analysis Essay

Encountering group work is part of everyone’s life, family, employment, and social settings. As social work students, we are trained in human behavior. Taflinger (1996) describes selfpreservation in humans as essential and multifaceted. Groups are reciprocal; when group members work together it promotes group survival which is essentially personal survival. This paper aspires to address … Read more

Ecstasy And Agony: A Psychological Analysis Essay

This paper is my second assignment for physiological psychology. The first section of this paper critiques an article entitled “Ecstasy and Agony: Activation of the Human Amygdala in Positive and Negative Emotion”. This sections main point is to show that there is enough evidence indicating that the amygdala plays a critical role in negative human … Read more

Can Music Save Your Life Analysis Essay

Music is used to help people of every ethnicity, religion, and lifestyle, cope with different struggles, times of enjoyment, and life itself. But, what is it about music that makes it so therapeutic? It’s the fact that no matter what the genre of music is, it’s what message that artist is putting out into the … Read more

Personal Essay On Becoming A Counselor

Becoming a counselor would mean the world to me because I love helping others that are in need. In my personal life, I have dealt with people using drugs, stress, body reputation, and mental illness. I have seen others suffer from emotional, physical, and mental abuse from family members, friends, partners, and mates. Throughout my … Read more

Overcoming Adversity Essay

In times of trouble, when adversities are faced, one’s true character is revealed. When these moments in life hit, people see them as barriers, unable to be broken down. However, there is a point when an individual demonstrates their true es or characteristics, which would not have come to light unless an adversity had risen. … Read more

Paradox Of Happiness Essay

According the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of Happiness is being pleased, being satisfied, and being lucky (Oxford Dictionary). However, the definition of being happy is different for everyone. There are many elements to one person’s happiness, whether that be fame or fortune, or something that most take advantage of such as a roof over their … Read more

Attitudes Vs Teamwork In Sports Essay

Attitudes vs Teamwork The Point University basketball team hasn’t won a game this year. Because of that I personally believe that is because of the lack of teamwork on the team and the selfish egos that the teamwork has. One bad ego on the team can hurt the whole season. When individuals do not have … Read more

Rhetorical Analysis: American Sniper Essay

A selfless man, who believes strongly in god and protecting his country, makes the righteous decision to leave his family and fight in the heart of war. Chris Kyle, a true patriot, put his life in the hands of others countless times to protect the Americans’ right to freedom; even if it means not living … Read more

Collective Rapture: A Fictional Narrative Essay

Pain is a harsh reminder that one is still very much connected to the collective rapture called existence; a belonging which often resonates radially as it does its utmost best to alert one that to continue with the chosen action, to continue along the chosen path, is not without harsh yet definitely quantifiable inauspicious consequences. … Read more

Happy By Roko Belic Analysis Essay

Happiness is a universal human objective that has recently gaining more traction in the field of human psychology, known as positive psychology. The documentary Happy, by director Roko Belic, explains that being involved in a community makes people happier. He also says that personal growth, close relationships and community feeling have a major value in … Read more

Karen Horney’s Analysis Essay

Karen Horney defines a basic anxiety as insidiously increasing, all pervading feeling of being lonely and helpless in a hostile world” (Horney, 1937, p. 89). When a child experiences basic anxiety they can develop self defense mechanisms. These self defense mechanisms can become very common throughout the child’s life. So common in fact, that they … Read more