Nursing Health History Example

Health assessment is an important tool for providing information about a person’s health. Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and includes data collection, verification, organization, interpretation and documentation. Documentation of health assessment findings is a legal requirement. Health assessment provides a baseline of an individual’s health status which can be used for … Read more

Nursing Shortage Essay

The nursing shortage is a growing problem in the United States. There are not enough nurses to care for all the patients who need them. This shortage is expected to get worse as more people get sick and need medical care. Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare system. They are the ones who … Read more

My Goal Is To Become A Nurse Essay

Health care is one of the most important aspects of our lives. Without good health, we cannot enjoy our lives to the fullest. That’s why I’ve made it my goal to become a nurse. As a nurse, I will be able to help people in need and make a difference in their lives. I will … Read more

Healthy Lifestyle Essay

When it comes to nutrition, there are many different factors to consider. What you eat has a direct impact on your health, and eating healthy foods is essential to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are a variety of different ways to get the nutrients you need, and it’s important to find what works best for … Read more

Critique Of Systematic Research Review SRR

As a Nursing student, I was recently assigned to read and critique a Systematic Research Review (SRR). I have never done this type of assignment before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. After reading the SRR, I found it to be a well-written and informative piece of research. However, there are some areas that … Read more

Heritage Assessment Tool

The Heritage Assessment Tool is a way for health care providers to get a better understanding of their patients’ backgrounds and heritage. This information can be used to provide better care and tailor treatment plans to the individual. The tool can also help identify potential health risks that may be more prevalent in certain populations. … Read more

Why I Want To Be A Healthcare Administrator Essay

Healthcare administrators play a critical role in the management of healthcare organizations. They are responsible for ensuring that the organization runs smoothly and efficiently, and that patient care is of the highest quality. In order to do this, they must have a strong understanding of health economics and the healthcare system. Healthcare administrators must be … Read more

Windshield Survey Summary And Reflection

When I took my windshield survey, I had a number of realizations about the community where I have grown up all my life. They will be discussed in addition to three elements of community living that may influence health, each with two nursing therapies that can improve the health indicator. It will describe community healthcare … Read more

Taking A Stand Essay Examples

With the advancement of new technologies, the nursing profession is always evolving and growing in complexity. The new level of responsibility puts nurses to the test in addressing a variety of complex situations in healthcare, particularly their duty to safeguard patients’ rights and dignity as well as their safety. To be a nurse is not … Read more

Occupational Therapy Strengths And Weaknesses

Occupational therapy is a health care profession that helps people across the lifespan participate in the activities they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2016). Occupational therapists work with people who have physical, cognitive, emotional, and social challenges to help them improve their daily lives. … Read more

Social Determinants Of Health Essay

Health is an issue that affects all people, in all places, in different ways. Health refers to the level of functional and mental well-being of a person. Although health is related to age, it goes beyond merely having more birthdays. Healthy aging is associated with functional capacity (e. g. , being able to get up … Read more

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

My choice topic for the benefits legislation paper is Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 also referred to as GINA. This new federal law will protect society from being treated unfairly because of the differences in their DNA that may affect their health. Genetic discrimination is the misuse of genetic information. Genetic information as defined … Read more

The Iowa Model Of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is an important step in the current health care evolution. Model guided practice change provides clinical effectiveness with the best available research information, which affect positive patient outcomes. “EBP is a problem-solving approach to clinical decision making that integrates the best evidence from well-designed studies with a clinician`s expertise along with the patient`s … Read more

High Risk And Population Strategies Essay

The concept of high risk and population strategies for preventative health was first introduced by Geoffrey Rose in his 1985 paper “Sick Individuals and Sick Populations” (Rose 2001). High risk strategy involves the identification of individuals who are more likely to get a disease and then providing treatment or preventative measures, while population strategies target … Read more

Communication Barriers In Nursing

Across the healthcare system there are universal themes that can be applied to several fields of medicine, such as ambition to make a difference, maintaining effective communication, and overcoming obstacles that one encounters throughout his/her career. Six University of West Florida students procured six individual healthcare providers and performed semi-structured interviews with the professionals in … Read more

Proprofessional Proposal Paper

Patient safety is very important to the healthcare provider, healthcare facility or organization. One area that continues to be a safety issue is mislabeled or unlabeled specimens. Mislabeled specimens happen for a variety of reasons but regardless of the reason the outcome can be devastating to the patient, family, provider and institution (Intermec, 2010). Mislabeled … Read more

Tracheostomy Research Paper

This paper examines numerous published articles that speak about the benefits of oxygen therapy, its medical uses, and its palliative values. This paper discusses two differing possibilities in oxygen application, and various conditions that can be managed with oxygen (Sharifipour, 2011). This study will also explain tracheostomy use, when it is indicated, and how it … Read more

Hunter Syndrome Research Paper

Lysosomal storage diseases are rare, inherited disorders caused by the deficiency of one or more enzymes within the lysosomes of cells. Hunter Syndrome also known as mucopolysaccharidosis disorder II (MPS II), is a genetic abnormality occurring in canines and humans. It is a rare Xlinked recessive metabolic storage disorder caused by the deficiency of the … Read more

Essay about The Role Of Physician In Healthcare

The role of physician in healthcare are many; this include diagnosing and working collaboratively with other members of the healthcare team to provide ultimate care for their patients. Physician also perform educational role to their patients and significant other, and other members of the healthcare team. Physician conduct medical researches, and sometimes participate in transferring … Read more

Healthcare Outcomes Essay

Assessment of Healthcare outcomes in term of Cost, Access and Quality Health outcomes Health Outcomes include a number of aspects that help in assessing the health care system of any country. Parameters like cost of care, quality of care, access to care, morbidity, mortality and use of specified services are indicative of how well the … Read more

Cerebrovascular Accidents: A Literature Review Essay

The goal of this brief review is to investigate potential applicability of electrical stimulation modalities to early mobility treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA or “stroke”). Rehabilitation clinicians working in the acute neurological settings see a diversity of diagnoses, a majority of which is stroke. Orders to treat patients post stroke prioritize early mobility focusing on … Read more

Essay on Pathophysiology Case Study

Introduction: Having a sound understanding of pathophysiology is imperative for all allied health practitioners within the Australian healthcare system. Pathophysiology is defined to be the functional changes associated with particular diseases (Webster, 2016). Knowledge of pathophysiology and its related mechanisms is essential as it helps with the thorough understanding of certain diseases, its aetiology and … Read more

Summary: Nursing Implications Essay

Nursing Implications For individuals that are in the pre listing stage of liver transplants one main aspect to address is educating the patient and the family. One of the main nursing interventions is teaching patients and their family the importance of abstinence from both alcohol and tobacco if it is used. The continued use of … Read more

Quasi-Experimental Design Essay

Critical Appraisal of a Quasi-Experimental Design Nursing research is an essential part of a nurse’s profession; it has a remarkable influence on current and future evidencebased practice (Tingen, Burnett, & Murchison, 2009). Therefore, it is vital that nurses develop the skill of critiquing a research paper to know how to read and understand those reports. … Read more

Facilitated Communication Disabilities Essay

Tasks, like taking a bath or brushing your teeth, are commonplace for those who live a fairly mainstream life. Those who have disabilities, however, live in a decidedly different reality. Everyday responsibilities for life become a strenuous burden on those who live with disabilities, even borderline impossible in some situations. A common illustration would be … Read more

Community Health Needs Assessment Essay

This report will provide information and summary of Chester County community health needs assessment of children with dental health care needs. Quantitative information from the US census and Chester county department of health will provide the required statistics for the report, which will be compared to the Healthy people 2020 goals and objectives to determine … Read more

Schizophrenia And Mass Media Analysis Essay

Introduction People diagnosed with schizophrenia face numerous daily battles with managing the symptoms of their involuntary condition in order to live a healthy fulfilling life. However public perceptions of schizophrenia have been vastly influenced by the media’s negative portrayal of mental health, with the emphasis on schizophrenia. Key messages in media have predominantly shaped the … Read more

Hal B Woodall Interview Essay

Going in to this interview, I was not certain what to expect at all. I had prepared a few questions and anticipated it lasting maybe ten to fifteen minutes at the most. However, my mental image of the interview did not remotely match up to what actually occurred. My interviewee was Dr. Hal B. Woodall, … Read more

Disparity In Health Essay

Recent evidence suggests that the health of the population in the United States continues to improve. However, over the past decades, the United Stated has seen a widespread disparity in the society, wealth, education, race and gender. Income and wealth are unevenly distributed and this distribution leads to widespread health disparities across racial, ethnic, and … Read more

Medicaid Vs Medicare Essay

Both Medicare and Medicaid were created when president Lydon B. Johnson signed amendments to the social security acro on July 30, 1965. The United States medicare is a national social insurance experiment. What is social insurance? Social insurance is any government sponsored program. Administered by the U. S. federal government since 1966, currently using about … Read more

Persuasive Essay On Obamacare

In the year 2010, former President Barrack Obama proposed a law that would have the objective of increasing the amount of insured Americans. The law, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, set policies that are meant to protect the rights and health of the … Read more

History Of Planned Parenthood Essay

From the time its conception, the United States has taken pride in existing as a country for the people. The actions of both federal and state governments should subsequently reflect the eclectic needs of an expanding and diverse populace. In order to provide the very basic necessities for its citizens, the government has a fundamental … Read more

Henrietta Lacks Essay

A hefty payment in the name of science Topic: What is the duty of a medical doctor/researcher to inform his/her subjects on the implications of their medical consent? Historically, how does social justice play a role in this relationship? Are doctors allowed to act unethically if their immoral research and inhumane actions are for the … Read more

Hygienist Career Path Essay

Career Paths Rochell D Rodriguez Coastal Bend College A registered dental hygienist not only cleans, examines, and provide preventive care but they also educate. The career also allows for other career paths. This includes, private practice as a clinician being the most popular work place for the dental hygienist, a corporate office, public health, researcher, … Read more

Seven Areas Of Responsibility In Health Education Essay

Being a health education specialist serves an important role in business, health care, and non-profit organizations. Working in these settings, “there are currently more than 66,200 health educators promoting healthy lifestyles, conducting and evaluating health improvement programs, advocating and implementing change in health policies, procedures, and services (Sophe. org, 2010). To complete these tasks effectively, … Read more

Essay about Unhealte Health Promotion

Background of the study: Health education and health promotion are means used to promote and improve the wellbeing of populations and helps health resources (cdc. gov 2011). However; it has not received the attention needed. The lack of attention come from a variety of reasons, including: limited understanding of health education by those working in … Read more

The Role Of Vision In Radiography Essay

Introduction Vision is a vital role in medical imaging and the visual ability of the radiologist interpreting the image is largely overlooked (Halpenny et al. 2012). To understand how vision plays a role in radiography, psychophysics is studied to understand the relationship between the physical stimulus and sensation experienced by a person (Lu et al. … Read more

Ethical Decision Making: Case Study Essay

In this discussion, I utilized the 7 steps of the Ethical Model for Ethical Decision Making as outlined in McGonigle and Mastrian (2015) to analyze the case study. Ethical Dilemma Examined with conflicting Values: The case manager was given a message by the physician which was to simply contact the family and have they come … Read more

Essay On Operational Goals In Healthcare

Two types of goals exist: official goals and operational goals. Official goals are clear statements to define the purpose of the organization. These can be expressed as public statements or mission statements and strive to establish credibility, provide legitimacy and justify action of the organization. Operational goals reflect the actual intention of an organization, by … Read more

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Essay

Electronic Health Records was developed around the 1960’s and 70’s. An Electronic Health Record is a digital collection of patient health information compiled at one or more meetings in any care delivery settings. A patient’s health record includes their vital signs, past medical history, demographics, their laboratory data, immunizations, progress notes, problems and medication. EHR … Read more

Essay On Funeral Directors

“Funeral directors positions attract people who want to put their excellent organizational and communication skills to work and serve others,” according to Copland (2015). Funeral directors have an important part in celebrating the life of those who have passed. From the first call to putting the body in the ground, funeral directors are there every … Read more