Happiest Moment Of My Life

Last year I sat for my lower certificate of education examination. This was the first important hurdle that I had to cross in my academic career. Up to that time I had been automatically promoted from one standard or from to the next. This time I had to undergo an examination which would determine whether … Read more

Washington DC Essay

I would love to go on the Washington D.C. trip with the Immokalee Foundation, because it would be an amazing opportunity to explore a new place and learn more about my government and country. I believe that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that I should take advantage of, and am grateful to the foundation for … Read more

My Favorite Place Descriptive Essay

Many people believe that answers to life’s questions can be found by looking at nature. After all, nature is full of beauty – trees, flowers, animals, sunsets, and more. As Henry David Thoreau once said: “I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature which, if we unconsciously yield to it will direct us … Read more

Attention To Detail Essay

In life a person generally finds out at an early age that acquiring the ability to focus and concentrate are crucial skills that aren’t easily learned. By nature, humans lack patience and are always looking to get the answer to a problem as quickly and as easily as possible. This can often lead to overlooking … Read more

A Day In Our Life

I have always believed, and probably always will, that no day is perfect. Something always goes wrong, whether it’s big or small. Anyone who says something is perfect either doesn’t know what they’re talking about or is overlooking a lot of things. Life is never perfect, but we can try to make it as close … Read more

Political Essay Example

Today’s society is rife with cheating, deceit, and scandal, as well as covering up cheating, lies, and scandals. It’s no surprise that these traits are prevalent in government given the circumstances. The government is extremely corrupt and the people are not being accurately represented. From my perspective, the government should be based off the people’s … Read more

Personal Change Essay

Society is constantly changing, and so are the people in it. Change is a natural part of life, but it can also be difficult to adjust to. In this essay, I will explore the concept of change and how it affects individuals and society as a whole. Change is a necessary part of life. It … Read more

A Day At The Beach Essay

A day at the beach is a perfect way to relax and enjoy the summer sun. The colors of the sand and sea are so relaxing, and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore is just mesmerizing. Spending a day at the beach is definitely a must-do during the summertime! On a hot, … Read more

Personal Dilemma

We live in a world of variety, and our government protects the freedom of speech for its citizens, allowing them to voice their opinions and ideas without fear of censure. People are given equal opportunity, and women have grown stronger. However, with all these advancements that have been made in society, there are still some … Read more

Anime Essay

Anime has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I can still remember the first time I ever watched an anime show. I was hooked immediately. The characters, the story, the action, everything about it was just so different from anything else I had ever seen. I was … Read more

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover Essay

What you see is what you get is a phrase that rings in a person’s head when they encounter someone who appears unusual or distinct from them. In such cases, society typically determines a book by its cover. We notice tattoos and piercings on others and immediately conclude they are bad influences or evil persons. … Read more

Hobby Essay Example

A hobby can be anything that a person enjoys doing in his free time. Because the “Idle Mind is Devil’s Workshop,” those who have acquired a pastime never have to worry about what to do with their newly gained leisure hours. A hobby providing relaxation from work is a very important aspect of life. For … Read more

Taking Things For Granted Essay

You hear people telling you not to take things for granted throughout your life, especially as a youngster. As a kid, I was frequently advised that, but I usually disregarded it. One day when I was confronted with the tragedy of my uncle’s death, everything became clear. I disdained to ever take advantage of the … Read more

If I Could Change The World Essay Examples

If I could change the world, I would start by making sure that everyone had access to basic life necessities. This includes food, shelter, and clean water. I would also work to end abuse in all forms. No one deserves to be treated poorly, and no one should have to live in fear. Lastly, I … Read more

Character Sketch Essay Example

What is a character sketch? A character sketch is a brief description of a person’s physical and personality traits. It is not meant to be a complete or exhaustive portrayal of every aspect of that person. Rather, it is meant to give the reader a general sense of who the character is and what they … Read more

Personal Wellness Plan Essay

I am committed to living a healthy lifestyle and I know that good nutrition is an important part of that. I will eat a variety of healthy foods and make sure to get the nutrients my body needs. I will also exercise regularly and stay active. I also understand the importance of access to quality … Read more

Thankful Essay

What is the meaning of life? Since mankind’s brain capacity has improved beyond a level of primitive instinct, people have sought for an answer to this question. Life as a whole is meaningless; we simply exist on this planet. But before youXmas presents with Sri Hari present any meaning in human existence, consider the aim … Read more

Place I Would Like To Visit

Paris is a city that I have always wanted to visit. It is the capital of France and is known for its fashion, food, art, and architecture. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world and I would love to see it in person. If you have never been … Read more

Trust Essay

Living in the world these days is really hard because people are no longer honest with each other. Being dishonest always causes problems that can lead to someone getting offended. It seems that in everyday life there is something someone can always lie about.  For example, a person can lie about their age, weight, height, … Read more

Speech About Changes

People are fully aware that life is a never-ending battle, yet it’s still a process of resolving old issues and waiting for new ones to arrive. People may realize that the lives they have aren’t what they want at times. In reality, they are facing a crossroads at that moment, either accepting or finding a … Read more

Most Important Person In My Life

My mother is the most important person in my life. She has always been there for me, even when no one else was. She is a strong woman who has faced many challenges in her life, but she has never let them get the best of her. My mother is a positive role model for … Read more

My Most Embarassing Moment

We’ve all had an embarassing event in our lives, such as falling off a chair, calling someone the wrong name, or urinating on oneself. In the end, we will be ashamed or amused. I’ll laugh because when we do something stupid, we have no intention of doing it. It just happen in the spur of … Read more

Ideal Vacation

My dream vacation would start with a beautiful, sunny climate. On a sandy beach without my parents to bother and boss me about, I’d want to stay. I’d bring along a couple of my regular pals. It wouldn’t have to make any plans or book anything; everything would be ready and waiting for us when we … Read more

My Life In 10 Years

I’ve always wanted to find out what my future holds, whether it be in terms of work or otherwise. As I reflected on my childhood, I realized that I had a lot of aspirations and goals for the next ten years. I want to pursue a career in the medical field and become a doctor. … Read more

Letter To My Future Self Example

To my future self, I hope that time has been kind to you. I hope your high school experience was what you hoped it would be, and I hope you lived it up in college. I can’t sit here and say I know what growing up was like, because I don’t. I also can’t say … Read more

My Ideal Job Paragraph

I often think about what my ideal job would be. I’ve had a lot of different jobs, and while some of them have been okay, none of them have really felt like the perfect fit. So, what exactly would my ideal job entail? For starters, it would involve American football. I’ve always loved the sport … Read more

Essays About English Language

I love English language! I think it’s amazing that there are so many words to choose from, and that we can use them in so many different ways. It’s a very expressive language, and I enjoy using it to communicate with others. I also appreciate the fact that English is widely spoken around the world, … Read more

My Childhood Development Essay

My name is Jack, and I am 19 years old. Ever since my early childhood years, I have developed an interest in psychology and how the brain operates. Because of this interest, I decided to research the development of the brain throughout life. Here are some key points that were found by researchers on how … Read more

Personal Essay About Soccer

Soccer has always been in my blood. Soccer is in my family’s blood, and I was brought into the game when I was only five years old. Soccer became a big part of my life at a very young age, and it remains a large part to this day. Soccer occupies more than half of … Read more

Five Strengths Essay

As a high school freshman, my life revolved around classes and student government. I was a member of the debate team, environmental club, and a senator in student government. Through these experiences, I got to hone several strengths that have been with me ever since. The first major strength that I learned to harness was … Read more

Personal Narrative-The Team Player

It was 95 degrees, the hottest day of the year so far. In my left ear I hear kids laughing and parents talking about how nervous they are about the game. In my right ear I hear my team, there nervous too but not for the same reason as the parents. As I stare forward … Read more

Personal Narrative: Zen Week

Bryon closes his speech with one of his own personal quotes, “Success isn’t easy, if it were, we will all be successful, but success doesn’t equate to the figures in your bank account, success is the feeling of fulfillment and happiness one gets from achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself. ” Zen Week is … Read more

Personal Narrative: KU And Greek Life

Tom! I haven’t seen you in years man! I can’t believe you didn’t make it to the reunion. I hope you recieve this and aren’t dead in a ditch somewhere. I was planning on telling you all about the past 20 years, in Rome, but I will just do it now. After highschool I went … Read more

Personal Narrative: Blue Skiing

Fear saturated my very being, with the doctors’ orders echoing in my head, tainting my thoughts for the worse as my eyes reinforced my fear. The tumultuous waves resembled the arm of a violinist, vigorously delivering a musical piece with precision and aggression while still maintaining the tragically beautiful sound the music was predestined to … Read more

Military Personal Narrative

It was about noon. The sun was high and bright. The air was crisp, clean, and without a breeze. It was about 87 degrees with about 10 % humidity. The city was busy, infact really busy. A lot of people were out and about, taking advantage of the weather after a cold spring. The weather … Read more

Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

“And no wonder Paris, land of novelty and distraction, is the greatest city of the flanuer – that aimless stroller who loses himself in the crowd, who has no destination and goes wherever ca-prise or curiosity directs his or her steps. ” These wanderers observe Paris from the inside, bringing insight on the history of … Read more

Clan Of The Drake: A Short Story

His soul burning like a raging wildfire, he slayed every goblin that dared to challenge him. Only 20 years old, he was the leader of the Clan of the Drake. Only 7 years before… His village was plundered by the goblins. His father was killed, trying to protect his clan’s honor and his family, and … Read more

Futile American Beauty

The American Dream is futile. There is not much point chasing after something that is pointless and unsatisfying once it is thought to be obtained. People thought that the American Dream was a measure of how successful you were in life. If you had a wife, two children, a nice house, two cars and a … Read more

Hockey Game Analysis

I always love the game of hockey no matter what the score is. I’ve been on teams where we might win only six games, or we win, lose the same amount of games, or we win a lot more than we lose. But I always know that somewhere in me I’m attached to this. I … Read more

Grandmother Interview Research Paper

I want to start off by saying that I could not interview anyone in my family; my grandparents have been deceased for years on both sides. I will be talking about what I remember as a child. My grandmother on my dad’s side passed away in 1981; my grandfather on my mother’s side passed away … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Shadow Children

Most people can remember their parents reading them bedtime stories as a kid, but I can’t recall if my parents did. That could be a reason as to why I was never crazy about books, and surely never wanted to read one. I eventually gave into reading and found that I loved it. My favorite … Read more

Personal Narrative: The Music Career Essay

It all happened on a Monday at around 4:30p. m. The audition was supposed to go perfectly. I had practiced the music over and over again. I knew it by heart and could play it at a moment’s notice. But it didn’t go as planned. That’s the one thing that I remember most, things don’t … Read more

Essay about Spring Break: A Short Story

Growing up, I was met with darkness. Every time I thought I had done something right, it always turned out to be wrong. Everything I did wrong ended in my own desolation. He called me feeble; because I could not handle the agony he forced me to face everyday. I could not escape his wrath; … Read more