My Experience Of Grief Essay

Grief is something that you cannot truly understand until you experience it. As a kid, I heard about grief in class, but was unable to comprehend that feeling. I heard about the grief my mother fought through when her mom died but was unable to understand how she felt. I would think about my parents … Read more

Kelsey Picciano Analysis Essay

Within the plain, white, confining walls that border our composition classroom in the depths of the Netherlands core, there sits a student who is so completely opposite to the barriers that surround us all. As an avid participant in classroom discussions, she is easy to notice amongst the blur of faces as one looks around … Read more

My College Goals Essay

There are many goals in my life that I want to achieve; therefore, I came up with a few goals to help me out along the way. It is currently my second semester in college, but my first goal is to graduate college in four years and open my sneaker store I want to open. … Read more

Evaluating Career Development Essay

The aim of this essay is to reflect upon and evaluate my personal, academic and career developments since I have started university. I will be reflecting upon my experience of the work placement and feedback received from my first semester assignments, along with evaluating my career aspirations and creating an action plan on how to … Read more

Personal Narrative: Princess Landia Essay

Once upon a time there was a young man named Prince Juan who lived in a magical place called Princess Landia. Just kidding his name was Greg, and he lived in an apartment building in Wethersfield Connecticut. He had a degree in science and was very smart. One night he got a call from his … Read more

Engineering In Roller Coasters Essay

College Algebra Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch, as you’re entering your favorite amusement park, you hear the chain hills caring a cart full of people. Soon after the sound of the chains is replaced by people screaming as they go downhill at top speeds. Your stomach drops, the combination of fear, anxiety, and excitement build up more as you … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Chemical Romance Essay

I’m pretty much angry every day and it’s pretty much always for the same reason: My Chemical Romance. I first listened to MCR when I was 11 or 12. I heard a song called Cancer while creating a playlist on a website called 8tracks. My friend told me to put the song on the playlist … Read more

Essay: How To Pot Train Your Dog

One of the first tasks that should be accomplished when you get a dog, regardless of the age of the dog is to make sure it is housebroken. There are many different ways to potty train your dog. I strongly recommend combining it with crate training as this makes it much faster. Regardless of the … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Social Identity Essay

Social identity can be explained by social identity theory, and according to, Marsiglia, & Kulis, (2015) “social identity theory provides insights into how and why people choose to be part of one or another group and what being a part of that group means to them” (p. 103). In this aspect I will attempt to … Read more

Personal Narrative: A Career As A Counselor Essay

People have several different reasons for deciding they want a career as a counselor. Why would someone want to be a professional counselor and make it their career choice? Developing a professional and authentic relationship with a wide range of individuals. Helping not only families, but groups of people in need accomplish mental well-being, wellness, … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Favorite Vacation Essay

My Favorite Vacation I sat at the resort’s buffet with my mom, grandparents, and my brother, while we were relaxed and we enjoyed ourselves. I could smell the salt from the seawater of Gulf of Mexico, it was a rather odd smell, it smelt bitter, fresh, and clean all at the same time. The smell … Read more

My Junior Year Essay

It all started my junior year of high school. I was excited to begin my wonderful journey in Future Farmers of America. I was nervous but the road ahead of me was going to be an awesome experience. Some of my experiences include showing my animals, the competitions I attended, being a FFA officer and … Read more

Essay on Fighting For Freedom-Personal Narrative

This I believe. A fighter, That’s what some people call me. Family, friends, people I don’t even really know. They call me a fighter because I fight in my head, against something that can be way more powerful than me. If I win a fight, they call me a fighter because I overcame it, I … Read more

Descriptive Essay On A Cleat

For two years, I played each soccer game with the same pair of cleats. These cleats stayed with me 6 different seasons, 5 different teams, and almost 100 games. The cleats were dark blue (once light blue), and had neon yellow laces. They weren’t the finest cleats, but I had grown a bond to them … Read more

Lacrosse Personal Narrative Essay

Lacrosse is a contact sport created by the North American Indians, in which the ball is thrown, caught, and carried in a long-handled stick with a triangular frame and shallow netting at one end. The sport is still played today, and is a known tradition in my family. I first started playing when I was … Read more

Descriptive Essay: A Christmas Break

I miss them already. Despite the freezing cold snow and the nipping air, we had a lovely Christmas break. As I inspect my child, now grown with children of her own, holding tickets back to their home, longing envelopes me. Hoards of people push past, unaware of my pain, on their own schedules and heading … Read more

Personal Narrative Essay: Entering The Woods On The Trail

The trail continued around the east side of the lake entering a gathering of trees forming an insignificant forest along the lake’s shoreline. From our viewpoint, the trees concealing the trail eventually dispersed on the southeast side of the lake, and the trail blended into the landscape. Using our imagination, we envisioned the route against … Read more

Essay On Empathy

According to the dictionary, empathy is defined as “the understanding of another’s situation, feelings, and motives”. I find it difficult to understand that a person could lack such consideration and compassion for another living creature, but, clearly, I have seen otherwise. On many occasions, I have witnessed disconcerting behavior both aimed at myself, or other … Read more

Pink Floyd The Wall Analysis Essay

Perhaps, the single most important text that I have ever encountered is Pink Floyd’s The Wall. The album has been constantly listen too, thought about and felt throughout my childhood; and now my adult life. I cant quite remember why I found the album attractive in the first place. I started listening before I could … Read more

Success Definition Essay

Most people measure success monetarily. We spend the majority of our lives working towards success (“Defining success”). The word “success” is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. Individuals who would be considered successful in this generation are Kim Kardashian or even Justin Bieber. These celebrities simply live … Read more

Personal Narrative: My Nursing Home Essay

When my mother called me, I was already running across the road to the reddish, brick-walled building that jutted out from the street corner. At the beginning of December, my mother had wanted me to volunteer at a nursing home. Instead of relaxing on the couch, I’ll be spending most of my winter break entertaining … Read more

Personal Narrative: Backward Riding Essay

Outside of school, I have been involved in lots of different activities, such as horseback riding, piano, classical reading and creative writing class. However, I am most passionate about horseback riding, my book discussion club, and my writing class. Ever since I was little, I knew that I wanted go horseback riding—and I knew it … Read more

The Golden Gate Bridge-Personal Narrative Essay

Around five, I drive to meet Mark at a restaurant in San Francisco. I chose to go across the Golden Gate Bridge despite a third phobia of mine – a fear of heights. This fear I discovered the hard way when I walked with Mark and some friends across this same bridge for a charity … Read more

The Simple Life I Remember

Oh how my life has changed, but it’s not just my life it’s everyone’s now with all this inventing going on the things we have today are so different then when I was growing up. In 1861 when I was a child we lived in poor little run down shacks of wood on dirt streets … Read more

Critical Thinking and Perception Paper

It was over six years ago and all four sons were still living at home. Being a stay-at- home mother, I was home schooling a special needs child. My husband has just started back to his job after being laid off and the mortgage company foreclosed on our home. The financial situation was very tight … Read more

Creative Writing: The Search

I used to work for the F. B. I. , in the Portland office. It was my childhood dream to be the one who gets the bad guy. My fiftieth birthday was in just three months. I had a wife and three children, still do, and the same job I’d had since my graduation from … Read more

Short Story

Its been two weeks, and I havent made any real friends. Its just that, I feel as if no one likes me. Sure, Ive talked to a few people, like Jessica and this really hot guy Chase, but Im starting to feel lonely again. I mean, I was captain of the cheerleading squad at my … Read more

A Memorably Picturesque Village

Not long ago I lived in a small Bavarian village along the Loisach River and which was nestled in the foothills of the German Alps. I remember the very first time I arrived; I was on a Deutsche Regional Bahn. The Regional Bahn is not as fast as the Inter City Express (ICE) trains, but … Read more